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Re: [Savannah-users] Unable to cvs checkout team's homepage

From: Rafael Fontenelle
Subject: Re: [Savannah-users] Unable to cvs checkout team's homepage
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2017 23:00:17 -0300

2017-09-24 22:19 GMT-03:00 Bob Proulx <address@hidden>:
> Do you have CVS_RSH or any other CVS_* variable set in the
> environment?  cvs traditionally defaults to using rsh but on most
> systems today rsh is a symlinked alternative to ssh.  This depends
> upon your system but if it is using the real rsh then that can't work
> as only ssh connections are allowed.  If you have CVS_RSH set to
> something that isn't happy then that might be the problem.  Or on your
> system you might require setting 'export CVS_RSH=ssh' in order to
> force cvs to use ssh.
> Please try this:
>   env CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -z3 -d:ext:address@hidden:/webcvs/www-pt-br co www-pt-br

Nailed it! Using the above command line makes it works nicely. Indeed,
I have 'rsh' (not a simlink to ssh) in my system, and I didn't know
that CVS uses rsh by default. I also have no CVS_* variable set, which
I assume caused CVS look for rsh.

Thanks all you guys for your help!

Rafael Fontenelle


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