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[Savannah-users] Query Unicode codepoints for Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyp

From: Richard Caruana
Subject: [Savannah-users] Query Unicode codepoints for Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2018 07:54:51 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.8.0

It would be nice to see more unicode Fonts with as many codepoints as possible for the Kabbalic Magical Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic language.

Other searches could relate chakras, Tree of Life, the number 7, 14, Purification Spells [insulating blanket-like spells], endocrine glands, Macrocosmic [ pertaining to Cosmogenesis ] and
        Microcosmic [ pertaining to Anthropogenesis ]
The Hermetic AXIOM - "As Above, So Below"

Also eventually Hieratic the cursive form. [ in the Ebers Papyrus 3500 years old and magically preserved.]

Then someone could type up the EBERS PAPYRUS and study it for Vitamin-C knowledge.

Presently I seem to have no end of trouble trying to create Windows TTF fonts using the NewGardiner.ttf font and either Fontlab Studio 5 or FontForge on Windows 7.


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