vbell off autodetach on startup_message off pow_detach_msg "Screen session of \$LOGNAME \$:cr:\$:nl:ended." shell -$SHELL defscrollback 500 altscreen on term screen-256color termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm' #attrcolor b ".I" # erase background with current bg color defbce on bindkey "^[a" command bind ^k kill bind . bind ^\ bind \\ bind ^h bind ^d bind 'I' login on bind 'O' login off bind '}' history bind l windowlist -b bind n bind p bind x bind i eval "encoding ISO8859-1" 'stuff "\14"' bind u eval "encoding UTF-8" 'stuff "\14"' bind = resize +1 bind - resize -1 backtick 01 1 1 scripts/cpustat backtick 03 1 1 scripts/bat backtick 04 1 1 scripts/fanspeed backtick 05 1 1 tail -n 1 /tmp/rxtx.log hardstatus on hardstatus alwayslastline caption always "%{= 9r}%-w%1>%{+b r}%>%n-%f %t%{-}%+w%-0=" hardstatus string "%{= .r.}%{k}%1` %3`%4`%=%5`" # vim: ft=screen