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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Re: Some questions and my offer to help you

From: Theodore A. Roth
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Re: Some questions and my offer to help you
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 10:10:27 -0700 (MST)

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, address@hidden wrote:

:)On Wed, 02 Jan 2002, ken restivo wrote:
:)>  ...much good stuff has been snipped here ...
:)Yes, but I hate to read every time the same. I have seen on the mingw
:)list that snipping is done often.

:)> and fix bugs, add functionality, or otherwise contribute to the project.
:)I agree with you.

:)But this must be done in the header files. So the comments must be
:)moved. I do the comments in the C file only for private functions. I
:)need to install doxygen on my machine. I use it only in the company.
:)It will take some while

This makes more sense to me than what Ken had shown me. I'd be much more 
inclined to accept a patch to do this if only did the public interface for 
each module.

The only thing I don't really think is optimal is moving the comments away 
from the actual impelementation. (comments in header, code in .c file). 
This seems to me to make it a little less likely that they could be out of 
sync. This isn't a veto, just a concern I have.

For what it's worth though, gdb does it like Reinhard suggests.

:)> the code more accessible, making it faster and easier for other people to 
:)If I have installed doxygen, I will provide an example of a file. If Ted says
:)that it is ok to start.

Go ahead and start on it and send me a patch to look over. I guess I'll 
have to install the doxygen stuff in the mean time.


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