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[Simulavr-devel] cvs repository is ready

From: Theodore A. Roth
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] cvs repository is ready
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 10:31:26 -0700 (MST)

Hi All,

The cvs repository has finally been migrated. Here's what I did to verify 
that all is well:

 $ export CVS_RSH=ssh
 $ cvs -z3 address@hidden:/cvsroot/simulavr/ co simulavr
 $ ( cd simulavr && ./bootstrap )
 $ mkdir build-sim && cd build-sim
 $ ../simulavr/configure --prefix=$HOME/local/sim
 $ make all install uninstall dist distcheck

I hope that's a comprehensive enough check.

Every thing from day 1 of this project should be on savannah now. When you
grab the latest via anon-cvs, you should end up with the equivalent of the
13-pre3 patch. Before I sent the repository off, I tagged it with the
"Moved_Repository_to_Savannah" tag to mark the migration. That tag is
equivalent to the "ver_0_0_13_pre3" tag.

At this point, I will no longer be making inter-release patches since 
anyone interested can go get the latest from anon-cvs. Be sure to use the 
'cvs -z3 update -dP' command when you re-sync with the repository.

When it comes time to make releases, I will tag a release candidate and 
ask for it to be verify. If no problems are found, I'll make a dist tar 
file and put it up on the savannah site.


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