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Re: [Social-discuss] PHP-Based GNU Social structure

From: Carlo von Loesch
Subject: Re: [Social-discuss] PHP-Based GNU Social structure
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 00:00:53 +0200 (CEST)

Blaine Cook typeth:
| million users sending tens of millions of tweets a day. I think that
| stands as a testament to the power of HTTP.

HTTP is not the bottleneck if you can have SQL, hehe  ;)

| because fundamentally people share data that you share with them, and
| once they've shared that data, you're never getting it back.

Yes and no. In some cases it makes a difference if they share something
they got from me, but it is no longer visible that it came from me.
In other cases it's just my relationship status that makes girls talk
about me.. I don't want that to be public, so if one friend of mine
starts talking to a friend of hers about it, that girl only knows
because she is being told. She didn't see it herself. This is just
a simplification of a general principle that is different from what
we have now. And you underestimate how much people would not care to
give away something I gave them, simply because it's not THAT important.

| These decisions can only be made by people; those same people have to
| learn to take responsibility for their decisions. In that sense,
| you're trying to apply technological solutions to social problems.
| Those technological solutions won't work.

No that's a popular saying that doesn't always hold true. Technology
DOES change a lot about how we handle social constellations. Take
IRC for example, it makes people more likely to battle each other
for channel operatorships. I designed a chat system where there is
nothing much to fight about, so it's generally pretty calm. If
people were truly aware of who gets to see what they publish, some
jobs would not have been lost, some marriages would have been saved.
The technological decisions we make have social repercussions when
they day has come.

| non-HTTP transports for those clients? Compared to custom protocols,
| OAuth is a trivial thing to implement, and yet so many client

Huh? OAuth? Trivial?

| *technologically-savvy users*), GNU Social must take advantage of
| technologies and models that those users already have experience with.

You mean a computer.

| layperson; building a tool that's more difficult to use rarely ends
| well.

I don't have the impression the new social tools the gnome and
KDE people are working on are more difficult. They are likely
to be more natural: Instead of having to upload pictures you
just drop them into the right bucket. Instead of having to
handle video uploads in cinema quality on the server side,
just because the user doesn't know how to scale it down,
the desktop client reduces the quality of the video before
sending it to the people. And so on and so on. The use cases
of the next generation of social computing are endless.

___ psyc:// ___ irc:// ___
___ xmpp:address@hidden ____ _____

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