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Re: [Social-discuss] distributed social networks

From: marc
Subject: Re: [Social-discuss] distributed social networks
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2018 13:20:19 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.1.2

quoting carlo freely, probably messily =)

Teddks was the man who convinced
me that federation was a dead horse. Now we are dealing
with dead elephants as an alternative to it. Progress!
How can anything that goes onto the blockchain scale up?

Well, i don't know, that was why i was asking.. since are very visible developed techs, perhaps holochain, and that mike s miller approach bring something new there. idk.

Eight years ago there was this "gnu social p2p" vs
"gnu social" dispute.

well, i hope to help re-open this enterprise project, why not at gnu? makes sense to try. or let's try a bunch of us further something really well based-done.

i agree that blockchain has shadened the brighter p2p is, and this worries me, as you see, i do phrasing mistakes with that.

Reinventing Bitmessage?

i forgot to mention, that uses bitmessage, since it says it also uses blockchain tech, would you dislike it as a code base, let's say for a mory groupy fakebook-like project?

You would want all users to publish how long they have been
watching some crp and prove it by some cryptographic means?
Just when I thought we had enough surveillance economy.

hey wait there :), i said "users who agree to donate their (even inner interactivity) data".
i.e. i want to donate even my mouse clicking pretending..

why should i be denied to contribute this type of data to the most or some other refined machines if i want to? forced privacy is forcing, and despite for passwords or such security things, appeals to privacy have to be recomendations, or otherwise can be security or integrity patronizing fallacies

in this sense, as a PoC, i imagine a wysiwyg like editor that let's you offuscate for robots some pieces of some text from some type of content

btw. staying watching something for more than 5 seconds, could be a easy way to moderate anything.

Has anyone told you blockchain people that basic income
models over ethereum fail because the super-rich needed
to finance it will simply not take part?

this was coming from the proof-of-presence issue, but has gone into another, very interesting, point, which my reply is:

any community, including the states, can start a basic income

we do not need the super-rich to help us in this, we can do it much much easier than we think, but we are too lazy. it is easier to stay in our confort areas (including complaining about the super rich only, which is not your case carlo)

Maybe it takes a certain lack of rationality to
successfully become a fan of blockchains.

"money" is out there as a virus we need to convive with that is testing us...


hack on!

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