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Where to report bugs on Free(b)soft packages to

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: Where to report bugs on Free(b)soft packages to
Date: Sun Aug 13 12:52:47 2006

When reporting bugs on Free(b)soft packages, please use the appropriate
bug tracking e-mail addresses.  Each of the packages has its own
address of the form address@hidden, where PACKAGE is to be
replaced by the package name.  Namely:

  festival-czech           -> address@hidden
  festival-freebsoft-utils -> address@hidden
  Speech Dispatcher        -> address@hidden
                           or address@hidden
  speechd-el               -> address@hidden
  bug tracking software    -> address@hidden

If you are not sure which package the bug is in, send it on the package
you think it is in.

If you have no idea which package to send the bug report to or there is
no bug reporting address for a particular package, use the address


Operational requests on the bug tracking system, like requests for new
categories etc., can be sent to the address

If you like to play with the bug tracking system or to test it, use the


If you are completely confused :-), send the bug report wherever we are
likely to read it.  Most important is to actually report the bug.

Thank you.


Milan Zamazal

Wasting somebody else's time strikes me as the height of rudeness.
                                                      Bill Gates

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