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speech dispatcher en french.

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: speech dispatcher en french.
Date: Sun Aug 13 12:52:48 2006

>>>>> "PL" == Pierre Lorenzon <address@hidden> writes:

    PL> What should I do to let freebsoft utils (and the speech
    PL> dispatcher) know that French is available ? In other words, what
    PL> should I do in order that the (speechd-set-language "fr") takes
    PL> effect ? I added an entry in the language-codes variable (fr
    PL> french) but it is not enough.

In order festival-freebsoft-utils can find the French voice, the voice
must be properly proclaimed and the `language' property must be set
properly.  Check for a `proclaim_voice' call in FranFest.

Additionally, setting the special `coding' voice property introduced by
festival-freebsoft-utils is necessary if the voice works with an input
text character coding other than ISO-8859-1.

FWIW, here's some proclaim_voice example from the Czech Festival support
(it should be intelligible to Lisp programmers:-):

  (defmac (czech-proclaim-voice form)
    (let ((name (nth 1 form))
          (description (nth 2 form))
          (body (nth_cdr 3 form))
          (options ()))
      (if (consp name)
            (set! options (cdr name))
            (set! name (car name))))
      (set! name (intern (string-append 'czech_ name)))
      (let ((parameters `((language czech)
                          (dialect ,(cdr (assoc 'dialect options)))
                          (gender ,(cadr (assoc 'gender options)))
                          (coding ISO-8859-2)
                          (description ,description))))
           (define (,(intern (string-append 'voice_ name)))
             (set! current-voice (quote ,name)))
            (quote ,name)
            (quote ,parameters))))))


Milan Zamazal

Wasting somebody else's time strikes me as the height of rudeness.
                                                      Bill Gates

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