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festival voices

From: Milan Zamazal
Subject: festival voices
Date: Mon Sep 4 09:59:46 2006

>>>>> "JH" == Jon Hood <address@hidden> writes:

    JH> Right now, I'm wondering how to get different voices in
    JH> festival. So far I have the following lines added to
    JH> modules/festival.conf: 

Setting voices in that file is obsolete and doesn't work anymore.
Instead, set them in your Festival init file (e.g. /etc/festival.scm),
variable speechd-language-voices.  The default value of the variable is
set with

  (set! speechd-language-voices
       (male1 voice_kal_diphone)
       (male2 voice_ked_diphone))
       (male1 voice_kal_diphone)
       (male2 voice_ked_diphone))
       (male1 voice_kal_diphone)
       (male2 voice_ked_diphone))
       (male1 voice_german))
       (male1 voice_czech_mbrola_cz2)))

I believe it's obvious how to add more voices.


Milan Zamazal


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