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speech-dispatcher + DECtalk on Debian AMD x86-64 : no sound

From: Nath
Subject: speech-dispatcher + DECtalk on Debian AMD x86-64 : no sound
Date: Mon Sep 4 09:59:50 2006

Jan Buchal <address@hidden> writes:

>>>>>> "[BN" == Nath  <address@hidden> writes:
>     [BN> In fact I modified a little my speechd.conf file because it
>     [BN> appeared that the modules festival and flite were not commented
>     [BN> and then speech-dispatcher tried to load them. so now only
>     [BN> dtk-generic is specified and there is no more errors in the
>     [BN> /var/log/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher.log file when I
>     [BN> try to use spd-say. But unfortunatly always no sound at all !
>     [BN> For info my soundcard works well since I can hear mp3s without
>     [BN> trouble and the DECtalk say program works too when I run it
>     [BN> separatly from speech-dispatcher. As you ask me, here is the
>     [BN> speechd.conf file (see attachment)
> And speech dispatcher works with flite for example? In any case speech
> dispatcher works on amd64 platform, I use it.
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Yes, on the same machine speech-dispatcher works with flite. 
But DECtalk doesn't. 
I attach to this m??l the log file debug-dtk-generic, result from the
following commandline : spd-say -o dtk-generic "hello nathalie" 

Perhaps you will see something wrong in this log file ?


> -- 
> Jan Buchal
> Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
> Mob: (00420) 608023021
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