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speech - festival

From: Hynek Hanke
Subject: speech - festival
Date: Mon Sep 4 09:59:52 2006

K. Christopher Avery p????e v Ne 23. 07. 2006 v 23:32 -0500:
> I'm running on gentoo, I emerged speechd and festival. I got festival to
> work with alsa by using:

Hello Christopher,

this is not the correct mailing list for the speechd package. This
mailing list is about Speech Dispatcher (speech-dispatcher package).

Speech Dispatcher is however doing something very similar, but
much more high level and supports other synthesizers too. Please

I do not know much about speechd except that we have considered
it at the beginning of developement of Speech Dispatcher and decided
it was too simple (at that time) for our purpose. So I'm sorry but
I can't help.

Have a nice day,
Hynek Hanke

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