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Conflict between speechd-el and woman ?

From: Pierre Lorenzon
Subject: Conflict between speechd-el and woman ?
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 12:07:17 +0200 (CEST)


From: Milan Zamazal <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Conflict between speechd-el and woman ?
Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 11:59:22 +0200

> >>>>> "PL" == Pierre Lorenzon <pollock.nageoire at wanadoo.fr> writes:
>     PL> When starting woman without loading speechd-el, everything goes
>     PL> well and the man page is formated in 0 seconds
>     PL> (i.e. instantaneously). When starting woman with speechd-el the
>     PL> message "woman formating..."  is output and then emacs is
>     PL> blocked and the formating process does not seem to
>     PL> complete. After having been wiating a long time and pressed
>     PL> ctrl-g the woman buffer does not appear correctly formated (for
>     PL> instance many newline are inserted.)

      When letting the process continue, finally emacs craches
      and exits with a fatl error since the buffer becomes to
      big by inserting too many newlines. I suspect that the
      same error might occur when using fill functions like
      fill-paragraph ... 

> I can't reproduce the problem on my machine.  For instance bash man page
> gets formatted correctly in about 5 seconds (assuming speechd-el is byte
> compiled) in Emacs 22 pretest.  Would you please send me more
> information about the problem so that I can reproduce it?

  I am using emacs 21.4a but I wonder if the problem might come
  from there ... Indeed when looking at the woman-log buffer it
  seems to be the same in both case (with or without
  speechd-el) except that when interrupting the job the log
  buffer contains less informations than when the job is
  complete. Shall I test an emacs 22 instllation ? But is not
  it a cvs version ?



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