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Espeak output module checked into CVS

From: Hynek Hanke
Subject: Espeak output module checked into CVS
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2007 21:20:35 +0200 (CEST)

> The idea is that some punctuation should always be spoken.  With
punctuation = none, eSpeak speaks those punctuation symbols that you
> would normally speak when reading text.  For example, plus sign, at
> sign, copyright sign, currency signs.  Please advise if there are
> specific punctuation symbols which cause problems.

I think this is the correct behavior. Otherwise punctuation=none would
be quite useless. Punctuation none however allows the synthesizer to read
for example (dolar-sign)12 as "twelve dolars" instead of "dolar twelve"
etc. It is up to the synthesizer to decide how to handle it.

> * Listing and setting the synthesis voice works only partially. The
> > problem is that the listed names do not identify voices uniquely, so
> > not all voices can be selected at the moment.

Could someone please explain what is the problem here?

> * Setting voices like "FEMALE2"

I believe this is supported in espeak API. TTS API, which espeak API
conforms to, however treats this in a little bit different way. One
should ask for a female voice with variant=2. The set of symbolic voice
identifier strings in SSIP is limited, so it should not be difficult to
setup a mapping to the second more general communication code.

> * No way to have a pitch raise for capitels when speaking characters
We do not have a command for this in SSIP yet, not a problem of the output

Thanks Lukas for the output module, Jonathan for eSpeak and everyone
for their excelent cooperation!

With regards,
Hynek Hanke

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