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Orca and Speech Dispatcher

From: Mírian Bruckschen
Subject: Orca and Speech Dispatcher
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 10:14:54 -0300

Hi all,

I'm trying to make Orca work with Speech Dispatcher and eSpeak, and
having some issues. Until now, it simply refused to show Speech
Dispatcher as an alternative for "Speech system".

I followed the instructions at
<http://live.gnome.org/Orca/SpeechDispatche>, but still no success.

spd-say works fine, and already uses the correct eSpeak portuguese
voice, not the default one of flite. speech-dispatcher's version
(--version) is 0.6.2, compiled by hand -- and I guess that can be the
problem, since my distro -Xubuntu, in its Edgy Eft version- likes
packages rather than that. I also tried to "apt-get install" the
official ubuntu package, but its version for Edgy is 0.6.1, and I know
I need 0.6.2 or later.

Is there anything else I could try to solve it? Have anybody had the
same problem?

Thanks for your attention,

M?rian Bruckschen

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