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[Fwd: Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher crasing]

From: Luke Yelavich
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher crasing]
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 18:16:02 +1100

On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 12:46:52AM EST, Tomas Cerha wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Tomas Cerha wrote:
> >> well cureently I had no crashes for a few hours. That thing with setting
> >> log level to 5 seems to be really crazy idea but I am starting to
> >> believe this is the correct workaround.
> >
> > Yes, this is a known workaround.  The sad side of this fact is that it
> > is impossible to debug this problem...
> Did Luke ever send you the Ubuntu crash dump a few months back?  It had
> one thread calling snd_pcm_hw_params in alsa_play and another thread
> calling snd_pcm_state in alsa_stop, and this caused a crash because, if
> I remember correctly, snd_pcm_hw_params frees a structure and then
> allocates a new one, and snd_pcm_get_state tried to access the structure
> before snd_pcm_hw_params had re-allocated it.

Here are some stack traces from that very crash dump that is mentioned. I went 
through them with an experienced crashdump person, and while I think he got his 
head around it, I didn't, but we weren't both sure about something. What that 
was, I can't remember.

Anyway, hope these files help.
Luke Yelavich
GPG key: 0xD06320CE 
Email & MSN: themuso at themuso.com
Jabber: themuso at jabber.org.au
-------------- next part --------------
#0  0xb7be9b98 in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0xb5e00710) at pcm.c:933
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_state"
#1  0xb7bfce05 in snd_pcm_generic_state (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm_generic.c:137
No locals.
#2  0xb7be9b9b in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm.c:933
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_state"
#3  0xb7c06b74 in snd_pcm_rate_state (pcm=0xb5e00468) at pcm_rate.c:1117
        rate = <value optimized out>
#4  0xb7be9b9b in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0x80a03d0) at pcm.c:933
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_state"
#5  0xb7f9e1f9 in alsa_stop (id=0x8087500) at alsa.c:738
        t = 1191304000
        tv = {tv_sec = 1191304000, tv_usec = 513863}
        tstr = 0x809c838 "Tue Oct  2 15:46:40 2007"
        buf = 42 '*'
#6  0xb7f9e601 in spd_audio_stop (id=0x8087500) at spd_audio.c:234
        ret = 0
#7  0x0804d8c4 in _espeak_stop_or_pause (nothing=0x0) at espeak.c:615
        save_pause_state = 0
        ret = 0
#8  0xb7efc46b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
#9  0xb7d5273e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
-------------- next part --------------
#0  0xb7be9b98 in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0xb5e00710) at pcm.c:933
  [Error: pcm.c was not found in source tree]
#1  0xb7bfce05 in snd_pcm_generic_state (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm_generic.c:137
  [Error: pcm_generic.c was not found in source tree]
#2  0xb7be9b9b in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm.c:933
  [Error: pcm.c was not found in source tree]
#3  0xb7c06b74 in snd_pcm_rate_state (pcm=0xb5e00468) at pcm_rate.c:1117
  [Error: pcm_rate.c was not found in source tree]
#4  0xb7be9b9b in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0x80a03d0) at pcm.c:933
  [Error: pcm.c was not found in source tree]
#5  0xb7f9e1f9 in alsa_stop (id=0x8087500) at alsa.c:738
  734:  if (id == NULL) return 0;
  736:  write(id->alsa_stop_pipe[1], &buf, 1);
  737:     }    
  739:     return 0;
  740: }
  742: /* 
  743:   Set volume
#6  0xb7f9e601 in spd_audio_stop (id=0x8087500) at spd_audio.c:234
  230: /* Close the audio device id
  232: Arguments:
  233:    id -- the AudioID* of the device returned by spd_audio_open
  235: Return value:
  236:    0 if everything is ok, a non-zero value in case of failure.
  238: Comments:
#7  0x0804d8c4 in _espeak_stop_or_pause (nothing=0x0) at espeak.c:615
  610:          pthread_cond_broadcast(&playback_queue_condition);
  611:          pthread_mutex_unlock(&playback_queue_mutex);
  613:          if (espeak_audio_id) {
  614:                  DBG("Espeak: Stopping audio.");
  615:                  ret = spd_audio_stop(espeak_audio_id);
  616:                  DBG_WARN(ret == 0, "spd_audio_stop returned non-zero 
  617:                  while (is_thread_busy(&espeak_play_suspended_mutex))  {
  618:                          ret = spd_audio_stop(espeak_audio_id);
  619:                          DBG_WARN(ret == 0, "spd_audio_stop returned 
non-zero value.");
  620:                          g_usleep(5000);
#8  0xb7efc46b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
#9  0xb7d5273e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
-------------- next part --------------
Thread 4 (process 9288):
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb7d42cdb in read () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#2  0xb7ce3dcd in _IO_new_file_underflow () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#3  0xb7ce5a04 in __underflow () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#4  0xb7cd8e88 in getdelim () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#5  0xb7cd6183 in getline () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#6  0x080528e7 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbf865014) at module_main.c:124
        cmd_buf = 0x8087dd8 "pa?x\221\a\bs_voice"
        ret = 5
        ret_init = 0
        n = 120
        configfilename = 0x805c008 "english_wmids"
        status_info = 0x8088338 "zZzZ)] [10:#ubuntu-motu(+cnz)] [Act: 
3,4,6,7,8,9,13,14,15,23,25,26]", ' ' <repeats 12 times>, "\n[#ubuntu-motu] 
Thread 3 (process 9289):
#0  0xb7f18297 in Translator::MatchRule (this=0x80719b8, word=0xb7826b58, 
group=0xb7826b54 "a", rule=0x80ac322 "\021C\002x\f", match_out=0xb7826b44, 
word_flags=0, dict_flags=0)
    at dictionary.cpp:1739
        rb = 17 '\021'
        letter = 0 '\0'
        letter_w = 116
        letter_xbytes = 0
        pre_ptr = 0xb78280c1 "ations "
        post_ptr = 0xb78280c2 "tions "
        p = 0x80ac322 "\021C\002x\f"
        match_type = 1
        consumed = 0
        syllable_count = -1216189384
        vowel = -1216189464
        letter_group = <value optimized out>
        distance_right = -6
        distance_left = -2
        lg_pts = <value optimized out>
        n_bytes = 134923042
        match = {points = 1, phonemes = 0x80ac31f "h", end_type = 0, del_fwd = 
        total_consumed = 0
        group_length = 1
        condition_num = 1 '\001'
        common_phonemes = 0x80ac31e "\003h"
        best = {points = 49, phonemes = 0x80ac253 "\006{", end_type = 0, 
del_fwd = 0x0}
#1  0xb7f19141 in Translator::TranslateRules (this=0x80719b8, 
p_start=0xb78280bc "stallations ", phonemes=0xb78270b8 "P0h\036", ph_size=160, 
end_phonemes=0xb7826f78 "", 
    word_flags=0, dict_flags=0) at dictionary.cpp:2318
        c = <value optimized out>
        c2 = 116 't'
        c12 = 29793
        wc = 97
        wc_prev = <value optimized out>
        wc_bytes = 1
        p2 = 0xb78280c3 "ions "
        found = <value optimized out>
        g1 = <value optimized out>
        n = <value optimized out>
        letter = 4
        digit_count = 0
        p = 0xb78280c1 "ations "
        match1 = {points = 98, phonemes = 0x80acf44 "h\036", end_type = 0, 
del_fwd = 0x0}
        match2 = {points = 0, phonemes = 0xb7f34749 "", end_type = 0, del_fwd = 
        ph_buf = "address@hidden"
        word_copy = "stallations \000makeoverride .  l readme . translator  
\025\200?sel @a?\020\201\202?\000?16\b? 
        group_name = "a\000\000\b"
        str_pause = "\v"
#2  0xb7f25bf9 in Translator::TranslateWord (this=0x80719b8, word1=0xb78280ba 
"i stallations ", next_pause=8, wtab=0xb782740e) at translate.cpp:825
        end2 = <value optimized out>
        phonemes2 = 
 '\0' <repeats 11 times>, 
"s\000\000\000p\000\000\000e\000\000\000a\000\000\000k", '\0' <repeats 11 
 '\0' <repeats 22 times>
        end_phonemes2 = 
        length = <value optimized out>
        word_length = 13
        ix = <value optimized out>
        dictionary_flags = 0
        dictionary_flags2 = 0
        end_type = <value optimized out>
        prefix_type = 0
        word = 0xb78280bc "stallations "
        phonemes = 
 '\0' <repeats 11 times>, 
        phonemes_ptr = <value optimized out>
        prefix_phonemes = "d$\000$y", '\0' <repeats 154 times>
        end_phonemes = "\000$\000$y", '\0' <repeats 154 times>
        word_copy = "installations", '\0' <repeats 146 times>
        found = <value optimized out>
        end_flags = <value optimized out>
        c_temp = 110 'n'
        first_char = 105
        last_char = 115
        add_plural_suffix = 0
        prefix_flags = 0
        confirm_prefix = <value optimized out>
        spell_word = <value optimized out>
        wflags = 16
        word_zz = "\000zz"
        word_iz = "\000iz"
        word_ss = "\000ss"
#3  0xb7f26b76 in Translator::TranslateWord2 (this=0x80719b8, word=0xb78280ba 
"i stallations ", wtab=0xb782740e, pre_pause=4, next_pause=8) at 
        flags = <value optimized out>
        stress = <value optimized out>
        next_stress = <value optimized out>
        next_tone = <value optimized out>
        p = (unsigned char *) 0x8071b7c 
        srcix = <value optimized out>
        embedded_flag = 0
        found_dict_flag = <value optimized out>
        ph_code = <value optimized out>
        ph = <value optimized out>
        max_stress = <value optimized out>
        max_stress_ix = <value optimized out>
        prev_vowel = <value optimized out>
        pitch_raised = 0
        switch_phonemes = <value optimized out>
        first_phoneme = <value optimized out>
        source_ix = 26743
        len = <value optimized out>
        sylimit = <value optimized out>
        new_language = <value optimized out>
        bad_phoneme = "\000\000\000"
#4  0xb7f27db0 in Translator::TranslateClause (this=0x80719b8, f_text=0x0, 
vp_input=0x807981b, tone_out=0xb78282fc, voice_change=0xb78282f8) at 
        j = <value optimized out>
        pn = 0x0
        pw = <value optimized out>
        number_buf = "\230\202\202?f?4\b\b\220\202?\f!\000\000 
        ix = 96
        c = <value optimized out>
        cc = 0
        source_index = 129
        prev_source_index = <value optimized out>
        prev_in = 32
        prev_out = 32
        prev_out2 = 115
        prev_in2 = 0
        next_in = 105
        char_inserted = 0
        clause_pause = <value optimized out>
        pre_pause = 0
        pre_pause_add = 0
        word_mark = 0
        all_upper_case = 1
        finished = 1
        single_quoted = 0
        phoneme_mode = 0
        dict_flags = <value optimized out>
        word_flags = 0
        next_word_flags = 0
        embedded_count = 0
        letter_count = 13
        p = <value optimized out>
        j = <value optimized out>
        k = <value optimized out>
        n_digits = 0
        charix = {1, 2, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 17, 18, 
0, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 0 <repeats 36 times>, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 
73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 
  78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 0, 88, 89, 0, 91, 92, 93, 0, 0, 96, 97, 
98, 99, 0, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 
114, 115, 116, 0, 0, 
  119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 0 <repeats 
223 times>, 798}
        words = {{start = 3, sourceix = 1, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark 
= 0 '\0', length = 2 '\002'}, {start = 6, sourceix = 4, flags = 0, pre_pause = 
0 '\0', 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 5 '\005'}, {start = 12, sourceix = 10, flags = 0, 
pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 19, sourceix = 
17, flags = 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 2 '\002'}, {start = 22, 
sourceix = 20, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 7 '\a'}, 
{start = 30, 
    sourceix = 67, flags = 16384, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 
20 '\024'}, {start = 43, sourceix = 79, flags = 128, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark 
= 0 '\0', 
    length = 8 '\b'}, {start = 51, sourceix = 88, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 2 '\002'}, {start = 54, sourceix = 91, flags = 
0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 3 '\003'}, {start = 59, sourceix = 96, flags = 0, 
pre_pause = 4 '\004', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 4 '\004'}, {start = 64, sourceix 
= 101, 
    flags = 16384, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 16 '\020'}, 
{start = 68, sourceix = 104, flags = 128, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 13 '\r'}, {
    start = 82, sourceix = 119, flags = 16, pre_pause = 4 '\004', wmark = 0 
'\0', length = 13 '\r'}, {start = 96, sourceix = 798, flags = 0, pre_pause = 8 
'\b', wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 71, sourceix = 2842, flags = 0, pre_pause = 8 
'\b', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 92, sourceix = 218, flags = 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 4 '\004'}, {start = 97, 
sourceix = 235, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 15 
'\017'}, {start = 110, 
    sourceix = 247, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 3 
'\003'}, {start = 112, sourceix = 248, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
    length = 2 '\002'}, {start = 115, sourceix = 252, flags = 3, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 18 '\022'}, {start = 122, sourceix = 258, flags 
= 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 12 '\f'}, {start = 124, 
sourceix = 259, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 11 
'\v'}, {start = 136, 
    sourceix = 272, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 10 
'\n'}, {start = 144, sourceix = 279, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
    length = 3 '\003'}, {start = 146, sourceix = 280, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 2 '\002'}, {start = 149, sourceix = 289, flags = 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 15 '\017'}, {start = 156, 
sourceix = 295, flags = 128, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 9 
'\t'}, {start = 162, 
    sourceix = 301, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 3 
'\003'}, {start = 164, sourceix = 302, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
    length = 2 '\002'}, {start = 167, sourceix = 323, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 15 '\017'}, {start = 180, sourceix = 335, flags 
= 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 3 '\003'}, {start = 182, 
sourceix = 336, flags = 16, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 2 
'\002'}, {start = 185, 
    sourceix = 338, flags = 0, pre_pause = 8 '\b', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 
'\001'}, {start = 193, sourceix = 193, flags = 128, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 
0 '\0', 
    length = 9 '\t'}, {start = 199, sourceix = 199, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 3 '\003'}, {start = 201, sourceix = 200, flags = 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 2 '\002'}, {start = 204, 
sourceix = 208, flags = 0, pre_pause = 8 '\b', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 
'\001'}, {start = 155, 
    sourceix = 215, flags = 16384, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 
17 '\021'}, {start = 163, sourceix = 222, flags = 16512, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 10 '\n'}, {start = 170, sourceix = 229, flags = 144, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 3 '\003'}, {start = 173, sourceix = 256, flags = 
    pre_pause = 8 '\b', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 200, 
sourceix = 206, flags = 0, pre_pause = 8 '\b', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 
'\001'}, {start = 190, 
    sourceix = 255, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 5 
'\005'}, {start = 192, sourceix = 256, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
    length = 4 '\004'}, {start = 197, sourceix = 261, flags = 1, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 200, sourceix = 263, flags = 
    pre_pause = 4 '\004', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 7 '\a'}, {start = 209, 
sourceix = 271, flags = 0, pre_pause = 4 '\004', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 23 
'\027'}, {start = 211, 
    sourceix = 272, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 22 
'\026'}, {start = 215, sourceix = 275, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
    length = 19 '\023'}, {start = 217, sourceix = 276, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 18 '\022'}, {start = 221, sourceix = 279, flags 
= 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 15 '\017'}, {start = 223, 
sourceix = 280, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 14 
'\016'}, {start = 231, 
    sourceix = 287, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 7 
'\a'}, {start = 233, sourceix = 288, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
    length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 239, sourceix = 293, flags = 1, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 241, sourceix = 340, flags = 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 7 '\a'}, {start = 250, 
sourceix = 348, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 2 
'\002'}, {start = 252, 
    sourceix = 349, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 
'\001'}, {start = 255, sourceix = 351, flags = 1, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
    length = 3 '\003'}, {start = 260, sourceix = 355, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 9 '\t'}, {start = 269, sourceix = 363, flags = 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 271, 
sourceix = 731, flags = 0, pre_pause = 8 '\b', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 65 
'A'}, {start = 47050, 
    sourceix = 354, flags = 16, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 7 
'\a'}, {start = 288, sourceix = 1128, flags = 0, pre_pause = 8 '\b', wmark = 0 
    length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 49 '1'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 
    pre_pause = 153 '\231', wmark = 25 '\031', length = 5 '\005'}, {start = 0, 
sourceix = 30352, flags = 46978, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 
'\0'}, {start = 0, 
    sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 
'\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 0 '\0'}, {
    start = 105, sourceix = 0, flags = 20468, pre_pause = 220 '?, wmark = 183 
'?', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 64, flags = 0, pre_pause = 120 
'x', wmark = 118 'v', 
    length = 130 '\202'}, {start = 56047, sourceix = 47050, flags = 30352, 
pre_pause = 130 '\202', wmark = 183 '?', length = 176 '?'}, {start = 46978, 
sourceix = 10, flags = 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 21408, 
sourceix = 47068, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 200 
'?}, {start = 46978, 
    sourceix = 43397, flags = 47052, pre_pause = 108 'l', wmark = 125 '}', 
length = 130 '\202'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 10, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 12337, flags = 53, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, 
pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 51 '3'}, {start = 47054, sourceix = 32268, flags = 
46978, pre_pause = 96 '`', wmark = 165 '?', length = 243 '? {start = 22, 
sourceix = 0, 
    flags = 13938, pre_pause = 243 '?wmark = 183 '?', length = 114 'r'}, {start 
= 47091, sourceix = 32293, flags = 46978, pre_pause = 244 '?wmark = 79 'O', 
    length = 220 '?}, {start = 13933, sourceix = 47091, flags = 5, pre_pause = 
0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 244 '? {start = 46978, sourceix = 52568, flags 
= 47051, 
    pre_pause = 16 '\020', wmark = 125 '}', length = 130 '\202'}, {start = 
13933, sourceix = 47091, flags = 5, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length 
= 64 '@'}, {
    start = 46978, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 65492, pre_pause = 255 '?', 
wmark = 255 '?', 
    length = 212 '?}, {start = 65535, sourceix = 65492, flags = 65535, 
pre_pause = 105 'i', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 20468, sourceix 
= 47068, flags = 58767, 
    pre_pause = 203 '?, wmark = 183 '?', length = 80 'P'}, {start = 47089, 
sourceix = 40674, flags = 47089, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 
'\0'}, {start = 31252, 
    sourceix = 47091, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 
12 '\f'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 30552, flags = 46978, pre_pause = 126 '~', 
wmark = 160 '?', 
    length = 241 '? {start = 12, sourceix = 0, flags = 13, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', length = 88 'X'}, {start = 386, sourceix = 41344, flags = 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 249 '?ength = 255 '?'}, {start = 65534, 
sourceix = 65535, flags = 14, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 14 
'\016'}, {start = 0, 
    sourceix = 40674, flags = 47089, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length 
= 0 '\0'}, {start = 31252, sourceix = 47091, flags = 33144, pre_pause = 243 
'?wmark = 183 '?', 
    length = 13 '\r'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 33480, flags = 46978, pre_pause = 
199 '?, wmark = 169 '?', length = 241 '? {start = 25, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 120 'x'}, {start = 47091, 
sourceix = 4, flags = 0, pre_pause = 43 '+', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, 
{start = 0, 
    sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 43 
'+'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 14, flags = 0, pre_pause = 38 '&', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 0 '\0'}, {
    start = 2, sourceix = 0, flags = 4, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 255 '?'}, {start = 65535, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', length = 48 '0'}, {start = 47091, sourceix = 3904, flags = 
    pre_pause = 13 '\r', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix 
= 0, flags = 14, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 5 '\005'}, {start 
= 0, sourceix = 0, 
    flags = 0, pre_pause = 43 '+', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 
65492, sourceix = 65535, flags = 14, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length 
= 6 '\006'}, {
    start = 222, sourceix = 28417, flags = 214, pre_pause = 3 '\003', wmark = 
119 'w', length = 222 '?}, {start = 28422, sourceix = 206, flags = 26368, 
pre_pause = 198 '?, 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 206, sourceix = 26374, flags = 
190, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 95 '_', length = 182 '?'}, {start = 26374, 
sourceix = 190, 
    flags = 24321, pre_pause = 182 '?', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 3 '\003'}, 
{start = 190, sourceix = 28934, flags = 210, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 105 
'i', length = 202 '?}, {
    start = 29448, sourceix = 166, flags = 26374, pre_pause = 190 '?', wmark = 
0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 210, sourceix = 26881, flags = 202, 
pre_pause = 8 '\b', 
    wmark = 115 's', length = 166 '?'}, {start = 27398, sourceix = 198, flags = 
25344, pre_pause = 190 '?', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 194, 
sourceix = 26883, 
    flags = 194, pre_pause = 1 '\001', wmark = 97 'a', length = 186 '?'}, 
{start = 25857, sourceix = 194, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 255 '?'}, {
    start = 65535, sourceix = 39, flags = 0, pre_pause = 116 't', wmark = 88 
'X', length = 243 '? {start = 22636, sourceix = 47091, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 48 '0'}, {start = 46978, sourceix = 3, flags = 0, 
pre_pause = 2 '\002', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 
0, flags = 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 212, 
sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 108 'l', wmark = 54 '6', length = 243 '? 
{start = 0, 
    sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 
'\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 0 '\0'}, {
    start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 26400, sourceix = 198, flags = 27398, pre_pause 
= 198 '?, wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 194, sourceix = 26883, 
flags = 194, 
    pre_pause = 6 '\006', wmark = 105 'i', length = 194 '?}, {start = 0, 
sourceix = 0, flags = 27137, pre_pause = 204 '?, wmark = 0 '\0', length = 3 
'\003'}, {start = 212, 
    sourceix = 27136, flags = 204, pre_pause = 6 '\006', wmark = 110 'n', 
length = 204 '?}, {start = 28163, sourceix = 204, flags = 27398, pre_pause = 
198 '?, wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 198, sourceix = 27398, flags = 198, pre_pause = 
0 '\0', wmark = 99 'c', length = 190 '?'}, {start = 26886, sourceix = 194, 
flags = 26886, 
    pre_pause = 194 '?, wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 212, 
sourceix = 29187, flags = 212, pre_pause = 8 '\b', wmark = 105 'i', length = 
154 '\232'}, {
    start = 28161, sourceix = 212, flags = 28166, pre_pause = 204 '?, wmark = 0 
'\0', length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 198, sourceix = 27398, flags = 198, 
pre_pause = 6 '\006', 
    wmark = 105 'i', length = 194 '?}, {start = 26886, sourceix = 194, flags = 
29190, pre_pause = 212 '?, wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 204, 
sourceix = 26368, 
    flags = 198, pre_pause = 1 '\001', wmark = 106 'j', length = 204 '?}, 
{start = 27398, sourceix = 198, flags = 26886, pre_pause = 194 '?, wmark = 0 
'\0', length = 6 '\006'}, 
  {start = 194, sourceix = 24832, flags = 186, pre_pause = 6 '\006', wmark = 
114 'r', length = 212 '?}, {start = 32456, sourceix = 46978, flags = 27398, 
pre_pause = 198 '?, 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 194, sourceix = 24832, flags = 
186, pre_pause = 6 '\006', wmark = 105 'i', length = 194 '?}, {start = 0, 
sourceix = 0, 
    flags = 22643, pre_pause = 243 '?wmark = 183 '?', length = 0 '\0'}, {start 
= 198, sourceix = 65535, flags = 65535, pre_pause = 6 '\006', wmark = 105 'i', 
    length = 194 '?}, {start = 26886, sourceix = 194, flags = 33304, pre_pause 
= 130 '\202', wmark = 183 '?', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 212, sourceix = 
27137, flags = 204, 
    pre_pause = 1 '\001', wmark = 110 'n', length = 212 '?}, {start = 28166, 
sourceix = 204, flags = 26369, pre_pause = 198 '?, wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 
'\006'}, {
    start = 198, sourceix = 26886, flags = 194, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 97 
'a', length = 186 '?'}, {start = 25857, sourceix = 194, flags = 26886, 
pre_pause = 194 '?, 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 186, sourceix = 26886, flags = 
194, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 97 'a', length = 186 '?'}, {start = 28166, 
sourceix = 204, 
    flags = 27398, pre_pause = 198 '?, wmark = 0 '\0', length = 6 '\006'}, 
{start = 194, sourceix = 26886, flags = 194, pre_pause = 6 '\006', wmark = 114 
'r', length = 212 '?}, 
  {start = 27137, sourceix = 204, flags = 28161, pre_pause = 212 '?, wmark = 0 
'\0', length = 6 '\006'}, {start = 204, sourceix = 26368, flags = 198, 
pre_pause = 6 '\006', 
    wmark = 107 'k', length = 198 '?}, {start = 26886, sourceix = 194, flags = 
24833, pre_pause = 186 '?', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 1 '\001'}, {start = 194, 
sourceix = 26886, 
    flags = 194, pre_pause = 6 '\006', wmark = 114 'r', length = 212 '?}, 
{start = 27137, sourceix = 204, flags = 28166, pre_pause = 204 '?, wmark = 0 
'\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {
    start = 198, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 112 'p', wmark = 127 
'\177', length = 130 '\202'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 
0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 18140, sourceix = 47091, flags = 0, 
pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 255 '?'}, {start = 65535, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, 
pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 33480, sourceix 
= 46978, flags = 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix 
= 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'} <repeats 
13 times>, {
    start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 100, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 200 '?}, {start = 46978, sourceix = 43083, flags = 47052, pre_pause = 
228 '? 
    wmark = 125 '}', length = 130 '\202'}, {start = 48, sourceix = 0, flags = 
32228, pre_pause = 130 '\202', wmark = 183 '?', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, 
sourceix = 65500, 
    flags = 65535, pre_pause = 220 '?, wmark = 255 '?', length = 255 '?'}, 
{start = 65500, sourceix = 65535, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
'\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {
    start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', 
length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 220 '?}, {start = 65535, sourceix = 65500, flags = 65535, 
pre_pause = 220 '?, wmark = 255 '?', length = 255 '?'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 
0, flags = 0, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix 
= 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 
0, sourceix = 0, 
    flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 
0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 
'\0'}, {start = 0, 
    sourceix = 0, flags = 105, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 51 
'3'}, {start = 47054, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 
    length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 32960, pre_pause = 130 
'\202', wmark = 183 '?', length = 192 '?}, {start = 46978, sourceix = 4, flags 
= 0, 
    pre_pause = 13 '\r', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 65535, 
sourceix = 65535, flags = 64, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 160 
'?'}, {start = 47068, 
    sourceix = 544, flags = 2054, pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 
0 '\0'}, {start = 22726, sourceix = 47091, flags = 10, pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
wmark = 0 '\0', 
    length = 235 '?, {start = 47066, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, pre_pause = 0 
'\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, 
pre_pause = 0 '\0', 
    wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix = 0, flags = 0, 
pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 1 '\001', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 3, sourceix = 
0, flags = 1, 
    pre_pause = 0 '\0', wmark = 0 '\0', length = 0 '\0'}, {start = 0, sourceix 
= 11, flags = 0, pre_pause = 44 ',', wmark = 129 '\201', length = 130 '\202'}, 
{start = 21043, 
    sourceix = 47054, flags = 65500, pre_pause = 255 '?', wmark = 255 '?', 
length = 192 '?}, {start = 46978, sourceix = 65500, flags = 65535, pre_pause = 
66 'B', wmark = 87 'W', 
    length = 244 '?..}
        word_count = 13
        sbuf = "\000  to avoid try    to install ubuntustudio desktop on all  
even non ubuntustudio  i stallations \000makeoverride .  l readme . translator  
\025\200?sel @a?\020\201\202?\000?16\b? 
        terminator = 32803
        tone = 0
#5  0xb7f245d8 in SpeakNextClause (f_in=0x0, text_in=0x0, control=1) at 
        clause_tone = <value optimized out>
        voice_change = <value optimized out>
        f_text = (FILE *) 0x0
        p_text = (const void *) 0x807981b
#6  0xb7f12c3e in Synthesize (unique_identifier=<value optimized out>, 
text=0x8079580, flags=<value optimized out>) at speak_lib.cpp:466
        length = 8460
        finished = <value optimized out>
        a_write_pos = 0
#7  0xb7f130ed in sync_espeak_Synth (unique_identifier=2828, text=0x8079580, 
size=2556, position=0, position_type=POS_CHARACTER, end_position=0, flags=17, 
    at speak_lib.cpp:568
        aStatus = <value optimized out>
#8  0xb7f30bb2 in process_espeak_command (the_command=0x1) at 
        data = (._37 *) 0x80ac322
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void process_espeak_command(t_espeak_command*)"
#9  0xb7f32768 in say_thread () at fifo.cpp:446
        a_status = <value optimized out>
        a_start_is_required = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void* say_thread(void*)"
#10 0xb7efc46b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
#11 0xb7d5273e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
Current language:  auto; currently c++
Thread 2 (process 9291):
#0  0xb7ce8827 in _int_free () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#1  0xb7cec800 in free () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
#2  0xb7bef1e7 in snd_pcm_free (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm.c:2224
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_free"
#3  0xb7bf0a92 in snd_pcm_close (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm.c:710
        res = 0
        err = -1243611120
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_close"
#4  0xb7bfd171 in snd_pcm_generic_close (pcm=0xb5e00468) at pcm_generic.c:42
        generic = (snd_pcm_generic_t *) 0xb5e00970
#5  0xb7c0774d in snd_pcm_rate_close (pcm=0xb5e00468) at pcm_rate.c:1208
        rate = (snd_pcm_rate_t *) 0xb5e00010
#6  0xb7bf0a86 in snd_pcm_close (pcm=0xb5e00468) at pcm.c:707
        res = 0
        err = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_close"
#7  0xb7c0c153 in snd_pcm_plug_clear (pcm=0x80a03d0) at pcm_plug.c:339
        plug = (snd_pcm_plug_t *) 0x80a01e8
        slave = (snd_pcm_t *) 0x80a1de8
#8  0xb7c0c1b6 in snd_pcm_plug_hw_free (pcm=0x80a03d0) at pcm_plug.c:977
        err = 0
#9  0xb7befead in snd_pcm_hw_free (pcm=0x80a03d0) at pcm.c:847
        err = <value optimized out>
#10 0xb7bf5139 in sndrv_pcm_hw_params (pcm=0x80a03d0, params=0xb5e1d7d8) at 
        err = <value optimized out>
        sw = {tstamp_mode = -1243611104, period_step = 3084670336, sleep_min = 
3084562812, avail_min = 3083740469, xfer_align = 3084670336, start_threshold = 
  stop_threshold = 1, silence_threshold = 3086611104, silence_size = 1, 
boundary = 3084670407, 
  reserved = 
        fb = <value optimized out>
        min_align = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "sndrv_pcm_hw_params"
#11 0xb7beff01 in snd_pcm_hw_params (pcm=0x80a03d0, params=0xb5e00010) at 
        err = <value optimized out>
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_hw_params"
#12 0xb7f9b77c in alsa_play (id=0x8087500, track={bits = 16, num_channels = 1, 
sample_rate = 22050, num_samples = 4530, samples = 0x8084ec8}) at alsa.c:508
        format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE
        bytes_per_sample = 2
        num_bytes = 0
        output_samples = (short int *) 0xb5e1dde4
        track_volume = {bits = 16, num_channels = 1, sample_rate = 22050, 
num_samples = 330, samples = 0xb5e1da38}
        real_volume = 0.925000012
        i = 140
        err = 0
        ret = 470
        framecount = 470
        period_size = 470
        samples_per_period = 470
        silent_samples = 140
        volume_size = 940
        sr = 22050
        state = SND_PCM_STATE_SETUP
        alsa_stop_pipe_pfd = {fd = 17, events = 1, revents = 0}
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "alsa_play"
#13 0xb7f9e580 in spd_audio_play (id=0x8087500, track={bits = 16, num_channels 
= 1, sample_rate = 22050, num_samples = 4530, samples = 0x8084ec8}, 
    at spd_audio.c:194
        ret = -1209009000
#14 0x0804fbad in espeak_send_to_audio (playback_queue_entry=0x80a05e8) at 
        ret = 0
        track = {bits = 16, num_channels = 1, sample_rate = 22050, num_samples 
= 4530, samples = 0x8084ec8}
#15 0x080502c4 in _espeak_play (nothing=0x0) at espeak.c:1115
        finished = 0
        markId = 0x80a0f58 ""
        playback_queue_entry = (TPlaybackQueueEntry *) 0x80a05e8
#16 0xb7efc46b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
#17 0xb7d5273e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
Thread 1 (process 9290):
#0  0xb7be9b98 in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0xb5e00710) at pcm.c:933
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_state"
#1  0xb7bfce05 in snd_pcm_generic_state (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm_generic.c:137
No locals.
#2  0xb7be9b9b in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0xb5e00810) at pcm.c:933
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_state"
#3  0xb7c06b74 in snd_pcm_rate_state (pcm=0xb5e00468) at pcm_rate.c:1117
        rate = <value optimized out>
#4  0xb7be9b9b in snd_pcm_state (pcm=0x80a03d0) at pcm.c:933
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "snd_pcm_state"
#5  0xb7f9e1f9 in alsa_stop (id=0x8087500) at alsa.c:738
        t = 1191304000
        tv = {tv_sec = 1191304000, tv_usec = 513863}
        tstr = 0x809c838 "Tue Oct  2 15:46:40 2007"
        buf = 42 '*'
#6  0xb7f9e601 in spd_audio_stop (id=0x8087500) at spd_audio.c:234
        ret = 0
#7  0x0804d8c4 in _espeak_stop_or_pause (nothing=0x0) at espeak.c:615
        save_pause_state = 0
        ret = 0
#8  0xb7efc46b in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
#9  0xb7d5273e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
Current language:  auto; currently c
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