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SD crashes in brltty when Espeak encounters semi-graphical characters

From: Hermann
Subject: SD crashes in brltty when Espeak encounters semi-graphical characters
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 10:07:03 +0100

am Fr 28. M?r 2008 um 09:52:40 schrieb Daniel Dalton <d.dalton at iinet.net.au>:
>> Removing that bad link as well as libespeak.so.1.1.31, resolved the problem.
>> The pipe to the module broke every time I came upon a semi-graphical 
>> character on a webpage, like those that are drawn
>> as dashes between different paragraphs of the page.
>> Now everything is stable and you have less work :-)
> So what exactly do I do to stop it from crashing?
> I don't understand, and I'm seeing crashes...

Maybe your problems are different, but what I did was to remove a link called 
libspeak.so.1 pointing to the library 
libespeak.so.1.1.31, which in fact is wrong, because the link's name must be 
libespeak.so.1 and it should point to the 
latest library - in my case libespeak.so.1.1.36. When I relinked this manually, 
it always linked back to that bad link 
when SD was started new.
So check your /usr/lib directory to check out the links and libraries relating 
to Espeak.
When do you encounter the crashes, same situation than i did?

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