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speech-dispatcher issues

From: Daniel Dalton
Subject: speech-dispatcher issues
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 19:34:03 +1000

Hi, Ok, sorry about the delay.

On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 02:48:55PM +0200, Jan Buchal wrote:

> >>>>> "DD" == Daniel Dalton <d.dalton at iinet.net.au> writes:
>     DD> On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 09:16:56AM +0200, Jan Buchal wrote:
>     >> something about charset, or simply send what is there.
>     DD> I don't see it, perhaps you would be able to tell me what line
>     DD> to modify? The file is attached.
> I'm not sure, but end of file are lines where is lat0 fonts for each
> console. I have latin2, so you can replace latin0 with latin1. It is

I can try that.

> possible that can be set with dpkg-reconfigure procedure. You need
> investigate it. 

I did dpkg-reconfigure locales

Please choose which locales to generate. UTF-8 locales should be chosen   

I mark
 [*] en_AU ISO-8859-1

That is all I have marked, then I hit ok.

Then it asks for the systems default locales, I choose:
that is all there is or utf8, or none.

Then ok.

I then run:
export LC_ALL=en_AU.ISO-8859-1

Restart brltty and speech-dispatcher, and it still doesn't work. Should
I try editing

> And don't forget that you must have generated iso-8859-1

How? With dpkg as I just did?

Anything else I should do? How come this works on default installs on
other machines that says they use utf8 and speakup with speechd-up and
speech-dispatcher works fine?

Is there a setting also in brltty I should look at?

Any other ideas? I'll try editing that file /etc/console-tools/config

Thanks for your help.


Daniel Dalton

<d.dalton at iinet.net.au>

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