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Festival not Showing up via Speech-Dispatcher (Was: Speechd-el i18n)

From: Jan Buchal
Subject: Festival not Showing up via Speech-Dispatcher (Was: Speechd-el i18n)
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 20:16:52 +0200

>>>>> "VT" == Veli-Pekka T?til? <vtatila at gmail.com> writes:

    VT> Yes, I would currently prefer the Suopuhe Festival module to
    VT> eSpeak even in speechd-el I've just sent the eSpeak author
    VT> feedback about the Finnish(). HOwever, I did not get Festival
    VT> working. The thing is Festival shows fine via Gnome-Speech in
    VT> Orca. But when I use speech-dispatcher in Orca, only eSPeak is
    VT> listed. Naturally trying to switch to Festival in speechd-el
    VT> says nothing, too.
The festival server runs? telnet localhost 1314. Please check your
init.d/festival if there exit 0 commented, or /etc/default/festival
there can be yes or no for starting.

Usualy SD works with festival very well.



Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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