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Speech-dispatcher does'nt spoken ordinal numbers, but Espeak is native s

From: Hammer Attila
Subject: Speech-dispatcher does'nt spoken ordinal numbers, but Espeak is native spokening correct
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 11:31:12 +0200

Dear List!

I have little question:
When I do following command, Espeak correct say the ordinal number for 
example with following string with hungarian language:
2. speech (espeak says m?sodik speech correct, m?sodik means second in 
I using following command:
espeak -v hu "2. speech"

But If I using speech-dispatcher, spd-say say following string:
2. speech
I using this command:
spd-say "2. speech"
Speech-dispatcher does'nt hangle Espeak ordinal number feature?

I try this with Orca Screen Reader, the simptomn is same. Gnome-speech 
driver correct says the Espeak ordinal numbers, speech-dispatcher not.

I look this with latest Espeak test version:

I am using default espeak module 
Jonathan Duddington and me works lot of time with hungarian ordinal 
numbers. In future, speech-dispatcher possible handle the Espeak ordinal 
numbers? This is important, because if I known right, developers drop 
out with gnome-speech driver with GNOME 3.0, and I am sorry if this 
feature not working with hungarian blind people when this change done.

If you have an ydea how can I solving this problem, thank you your answers.


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