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Question with punctuation pitch change

From: Hammer Attila
Subject: Question with punctuation pitch change
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 18:26:50 +0200

I very surprised when I hear first Espeak punctuation tone and echo, 
because prewious time I hear only gnome-speech punctuation speech with 
Orca. I think this is subjective, but if possible toggle this feature 
anyway, (punctuation echo and tone change disable), I am very happy 
because I better like old gnome-speech punctuation spokening voice.

Tomas, I am not sure but this is not only Orca specific problem, because 
what happen if anybody would like use for example the Yasr screen reader 
or emacs with Speech-dispatcher, but don't want the punctuation tone and 
If I configure some punctuation character with speech-dispatcher in 
.speech-dispatcher/conf/modules/espeak.conf, if the punctuation 
character is spokening, the echo and tone change is present (I tested 
with Orca).

Sorry my english, because not perfect my english language. :-):-)


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