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I hear disturb differences with speech-dispatcher Espeak output and norm

From: Hammer Attila
Subject: I hear disturb differences with speech-dispatcher Espeak output and normal Espeak output
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 09:58:07 +0200

Dear list,

Jonathan Duddington and me talked e-mail with following problem, I ask 
he's hint before I ask this problem with list (I copy shorter letters):
I wroted:
"Interesting, but if I using speech-dispatcher espeak module, sometime I 
hear disturb differences with speech-dispatcher espeak sound output.
This problem producing speech-dispatcher espeak module if I read longer 
For example I read this text with espeak and speech-dispatcher, the 
difference is very big with some phonemes:
"Ind?tsa ?jra a sz?m?t?g?p?t ?gy, hogy a DVD m?r a DVD olvas?ban van. A 
sz?m?t?g?p a DVD-r?l fog elindulni."
If the speech-dispatcher speech output coming with for example the 
"olvas?ban" word, the speech is little get stuck for b letter.
Interesting, but original Espeak voice is cleaner understanding.

I using Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and Debian Squeeze, and I using 
Alsa sound audio output. I using default Espeak module 
(.speechh-dispatcher/conf/modules/espeak.conf), not generic espeak module.
I see this problem my all used distributions."

I maked two wave file and sended Jonathan, after he heared, he answered:
"I notice two differences.

1.  The speech-dispatcher speech is louder.  This causes some
distortion.  Perhaps this because of the method you used to make a WAV

2.  Yes, there is a short pause (silence) of about 20 mS between the
"b" and and "a" in "olvas?ban" in the speech-dispatcher speech.  This
is not present in the eSpeak speech.  This causes the problem which you
hear.  This looks like a problem with Speech Dispatcher or the audio
output software."

My openion:
I am not sure the wav file recording the problem, because I hear this 
differences with different longer text when I read speech-dispatcher 
Espeak module, and not only one phoneme.
Anybody confirm this problem, or this is an audio hardware issue?


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