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[Opentts-dev] Speech-dispatcher, OpenTTS, and the outcome of my discuss

From: Bill Cox
Subject: [Opentts-dev] Speech-dispatcher, OpenTTS, and the outcome of my discussion with Brailcom staff.
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 16:29:47 -0400

What about the status of speechd-up going forward, which is used in
Vinux?  I haven't successfully built speechd-up against
speech-dispatcher 0.7, yet, though I only spent an hour or so on it.
There are minor patches in the Vinux package that make speechd-up
usable - the Brailcom version has problems that make it painful to
use.  The ospeakup version is probably the best version, running
against opentts.

Vinux has to have speechd-up or ospeakup working properly.  This is
more important than whether we use speech-dispatcher or opentts.  Can
we count on the enhancements that have been made to speechd-up making
it into Brailcom's version, or do we still need the ospeakup fork or
patched version?


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