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[PATCH 4/7] replace EVoiceType with SPDVoiceType

From: Andrei Kholodnyi
Subject: [PATCH 4/7] replace EVoiceType with SPDVoiceType
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 13:41:20 +0100

> 1) TTS systems reporting available voices and their attributes
> as described here:
> ? ?http://cvs.freebsoft.org/doc/tts-api/tts-api.html#Voice-Discovery

yes it makes sense,
however I'd rather use for gender {MALE|FEMALE|NEUTRAL|UNKNOWN} to be
aligned with SSML v 1.1
and for the dialect http://www.rfc-editor.org/bcp/bcp47.txt

> I think we still need to keep the old SSIP SET VOICE for backwards
> compatibility
> (and deprecate it), but this is not any problem, because its mapping to
> set_voice_by_properties() is very straightforward.

what about SET { all | self | id } SYNTHESIS_VOICE and LIST
SYNTHESIS_VOICES? deprecate them as well?

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