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Problem with speech-dispatcher and orca

From: Michael Whapples
Subject: Problem with speech-dispatcher and orca
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2011 19:16:51 +0100

I am not sure if this is an orca or speech-dispatcher issue, so that is 
why I am posting to both lists.

The problem is, there are occasions when speech-dispatcher seems to be 
left running and then later starts of orca will not come up speaking. 
Here is what I am doing which I think always reproduces the issue.

1. Start gnome using startx.
2. Start orca (if not set to have orca start automatically, I have orca 
start automatically).
3. Logout of gnome (IE. logout, so it goes back to the text console). 
When doing this do not stop/quit orca before doing it, assume you are a 
user who needs orca to find logout.
4. Restart gnome with startx.
5. Start orca (again if not set to have orca start automatically).

Expected: the second start of orca you expect orca will speak
Actual: The second start of orca it does not speak (Braille is still 

Temporary work around: From a gnome-terminal type "killall 
speech-dispatcher" and orca will start speaking.

It seems like logging out of gnome speech-dispatcher is not stopped 
properly and the new log in does not let orca connect to the existing 

I do not know if this is an issue that orca is not releasing 
speech-dispatcher properly, or whether it is something speech-dispatcher 
is not doing properly. I possibly would say even if it is an orca issue, 
might it be worth speech-dispatcher protecting against applications not 
stopping use of speech-dispatcher properly, and so possibly stopping 
other clients on the system from speaking.

I understand speech-dispatcher on my system is using the launch 
speech-dispatcher on request and so is per user. Also my system uses 
pulseaudio (as gnome 3 seems to force one into using it).

Michael Whapples

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