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[speechd-el] Please make path to Speech Dispatcher socket configurable

From: Luke Yelavich
Subject: [speechd-el] Please make path to Speech Dispatcher socket configurable
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 08:31:33 -0400

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 08:07:03AM EDT, Alain Kalker wrote:
> Hi list, Milan.
> Currently, speechd-el hardcodes the path to the Speech Dispatcher socket to
> be "~/.speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock . However, Speech Dispatcher, like
> many modern applications, creates its directory with run-time data in
> $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR , so the socket is actually created in
> "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock" .

You can configure the socket path on the server side, either on the 
command-line, or in speechd.conf. If you want a user-only copy of speechd.conf, 
it needs to be in $HOME/.config/speech-dispatcher/.

Of course it would make sense if the socket path was also configurable from the 
speechd-el side as well. If I knew more emacs stuff, I would be glad to lend a 
hand there.


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