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Two patches

From: Jeremy Whiting
Subject: Two patches
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2016 20:01:55 -0700

Hey all,

Here are a couple of patches to fix some small issues in
speech-dispatcher. The first fixes my mistake about using
<speech-dispatcher/foo.h> in #include statements in libspeechd.h from
a previous patch. If applications and libraries are using
speech-dispatcher.pc correctly they should have
prefix/speech-dispatcher in their include paths. The previous patch
actually made master branch of speech-dispatcher itself not build.

The second patch fixes a GLib-Critical warning when variant_list is
null in espeak.c which is the case if EspeakListVoiceVariants isn't

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Name: 0001-Fix-include-paths-in-libspeechd.h.patch
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: 0002-espeak-Check-variant_list-for-null-before-checking-i.patch
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