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speechd-el term or ansi-term in character mode

From: Peter Vágner
Subject: speechd-el term or ansi-term in character mode
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 09:04:41 +0200


I think I have found what I need. Instead of term or ansi-term, I've 
installed multi-term from melpa. https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/MultiTerm

multi-term understands term-bind-key-alist variable where I can add 
emacs key bindings for terminal buffers so I can use C-p C-n that are 
already bound by default and I can add more.

The efect is that I can use these emacs editing keyboard shortcuts to 
navigate the buffer like normal and ordinary arrow keys will get passed 
to the term or the app running in that term.

I am sorry for these spammy messages where I am only replying to 
my-self. I understand there are either emacs veterans or people which 
are not interested. Should I move somewhere else asking such questions?

Do you know if there are more emacs beginners with accessibility needs 
these days?



On 14.06.2016 at 21:19 Peter V?gner wrote:
> Hello,
> As a part of my job I need to login via ssh to various devices most 
> frequently Mikrotik Router OS and Cisco devices.
> By some trial and error I have found by using shell or eshell from 
> within emacs I can't send commands to Mikrotik Router board. I can 
> make it work only when using term in character mode. Term in line mode 
> is not working for this task either.
> I haven't fully understood this however it appears this is something I 
> can't change at all.
> And as a result of this the question is, can I somehow tweak 
> speechd-el so it'll read buffer insertions into term buffers? Is this 
> possible when working in a character mode?
> Is there a way on how to read the text from a term buffer? By doing 
> C-e C-p I can only read the last line. More iterations of C-e C-p will 
> only read the last line no mather how much I am pressing this.
> It would be handy to also be able to somehow occassionally copy from 
> such a buffer but I think that is just ice on the cake and is not a 
> show stopper here.
> Do you have some tips for me please?
> Thanks and greetings
> Peter

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