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Re: [Speechd] How to use speech synthesis in Hebrew ?

From: Didier Spaier
Subject: Re: [Speechd] How to use speech synthesis in Hebrew ?
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2019 12:15:12 +0100
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Hello Alex

although there be two Hebrew mbrola voices, they can used neither
through espeak-ng directly, nor using the espeak-ng-mbrola-generic
speech-dispatcher module, as shown by the output of these commands,
that do not least any Hebrew voice:
espeak-ng --voices=mb
spd-say -o espeak-ng-mbrola-generic -L

So you'd have either to find a synthesizer with a Hebrew voice that
works with speech-dispatcher or write non-generic speech-dispatcher
module for mbrola.

Good luck,


On 01/03/2019 11:44, Alex ARNAUD wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm helping a blind person to use his computer and he speaks Hebrew. I'm 
> looking for him to find an Hebrew voice to read his language.
> Are you aware of such voice and how to use it with Speech Dispatcher ?
> I've found mbrola voices in Hebrew but those voices don't work through Speech 
> Dispatcher because Espeak or Espeak NG don't map them.
> I've tried this command to test (I'm sorry but I don't know Hebrew sentence):
>> echo 'I do a test' | espeak-ng -v mb-hb1 --stdin --pho
> And I obtain:
>> Error: The specified espeak-ng voice does not exist.
> Best regards,
> Alex.
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