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Re: [Speechd] Speech-dispatcher kde gui

From: Storm Dragon
Subject: Re: [Speechd] Speech-dispatcher kde gui
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 19:47:26 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.12.2 (2019-09-21)


I really like being able to edit speech-dispatcher's settings by hand. The 
current setup, with a config file, is nice for that. One thing I do wish though 
is that it would use a standard settings layout like ini or yaml.

One thing I would really like for speech-dispatcher is the ability to set 
profiles for it. For example, I could create a screenreader profile, then point 
Orca to that profile, and then poing Fenrir to the same profile, and both 
screen readers would use my desired module, with rate, pitch, etc already set 
up. Multiple profiles would be great, because I might have a screen reader 
profile, a notifications profile for apps that read things automatically using 
speech-dispatcher, and an audiogames profile. Each of these could have 
different modules with different rates etc.


On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 05:31:03PM -0600, Jeremy Whiting wrote:
Hello all,

In an effort to make speech-dispatcher a bit more approachable by regular
end users I'd like to make a speech kcm (kde configuration module) that
will appear in kde's system settings application and will be launchable
from other configuration screens like okular's tts settings. So in order to
configure speech-dispatcher with a gui I need a way to figure out which
speech-dispatcher modules are installed (for the user to select which to be
their default). Which sound systems are available, etc. I can use the
dotconf library to get the current configuration and possible modules etc.
but I'm not seeing any way to use dotconf to actually modify the .conf
files. Am I missing something obvious?

An alternate approach that I started years ago and should get back to at
some point is to convert speech-dispatcher and it's modules and audio
system to use gsettings instead of .conf files for configuration. That way
we could use the gsettings manipulation functionality in glib to get and
set speech-dispatcher configuration. I'd rather avoid this in the short
term, but I think it's a good idea in the long term. It will require some
migration code to make sure user's .conf files get migrated to the
gsettings, but once done I think it will be easier to make these kind of
gui configurations.


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