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Re: Failed to connect to Speech Dispatcher in a simple client

From: Cameron Wong
Subject: Re: Failed to connect to Speech Dispatcher in a simple client
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2020 15:09:26 +0800

Thank you, Samuel.

You are right. The problem lies in my configuration. /var/log/speech-dispather/speech-dispatcher.conf tells me that the program loads modules in /usr/local/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules/ but I installed speech-dispatcher in /usr/lib.

spd-say works fine. That program is a static linked binary which may make it find the right path of speech-dispatcher modules.

I have installed speech-dispatcher in /usr/local/ before. After I clean up version in /usr/local speech-dispatcher the program works.


Samuel Thibault <address@hidden> 于2020年4月17日周五 上午7:58写道:

Cameron Wong, le mer. 15 avril 2020 17:18:08 +0800, a ecrit:
> Here is the source code:
> But I find that spd-say now seems spawn speech-dispatcher server
> process automatically.

Yes. Does spd-say achieve that on your system?

> My client seems fail to spawn the server process.

It works fine on my system, so I believe the problem is not in your
program, but the configuration on your system.

> Does anyone know what the problem is?

Log files are there for telling us. Depending on how you
built and configured speech-dispatcher they will be in
/var/run/user/$UID/speech-dispatcher, /var/log/speech-dispatcher etc.


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