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Re: Is there an off-by-1 bug in notification callbacks?

From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re: Is there an off-by-1 bug in notification callbacks?
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 17:55:18 +0200
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170609 (1.8.3)

Samuel Thibault, le mer. 19 août 2020 17:52:45 +0200, a ecrit:
> Nolan Darilek, le mer. 19 août 2020 10:38:56 -0500, a ecrit:
> > OK, sort of figured it out--I'm not strong in the C. :) Looks like the state
> > parameter is the index into the enum values, not the value itself.
> It's not the index, it's the binary weight

Note the difference between SPDNotificationType and SPDNotification.


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