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Re: weird voice used by Orca by default.

From: Samuel Thibault
Subject: Re: weird voice used by Orca by default.
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2022 01:16:02 +0200
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170609 (1.8.3)


Didier Spaier, le lun. 12 sept. 2022 23:13:26 +0000, a ecrit:
> and LXQt, I hear a voice in English in LXQ but expected a French one.
> In the Voice Tab of the Orca preferences window I see:
> Synthétiseur vocal: Synthétiseur by default
> Langue : fr-FR
> Personne : voix par défault default
> and if I click on "Person" drop down list I see only Virginie.
> This looks weird as Virginie is a pico voice, not a espeak-ng voice.
> Nothing change if I set pico explicitly in the Synthétiseur vocal field
> But if I set Virginie as Person I do hear virginie.
> However if I set espeak-ng I do hear a French voice.
> Also, if I set the syntétiseur vocal to espeak-ng-mbrola, the voice is the 
> same,
> to actually use an espeak-ng-mbrola voice I need to set one as Person
> (french-mbrola-1 or french-mbrola-2 instead of voix par défault 
> espak-ng-mbrola
> Any clue appreciated, I don't know if it is an issue with orca and/or spd 
> and/or
> my installation.

As usual with such a thing, it's a combination of all of it :)

There was a bug in Orca about setting the default voice:

and a bug in speech-dispatcher about taking DefaultModule into account:

and your particular setup was raising the issue.

Thanks for the report!

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