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Re: [Stow-devel] Allowing Stow (version 2) to stow absolute links

From: Kahlil Hodgson
Subject: Re: [Stow-devel] Allowing Stow (version 2) to stow absolute links
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 17:26:31 +1100
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Hi Troy,

You would also have to uncomment some code in the unstow_node routine.
I cant remember the rationale off-the-top-of-my-head, but there was certainly some issue. It may have to do with tree-folding and the find_stowed_path() function. Have you tried creating some test cases?
Especially some that involve tree folding?

I think we decided at the time that simply replacing the absolute symlink with a relative one in the problematic package solved all the problems (it may have been php5).

Does the absolute link point outside of the package tree? I think that may be the problem. What package are you trying to stow anyway? I think we definitely need some better documentation around this:-)


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