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[Stratagus-devel] RE: Stratagus / Linux feedback and help (verbose)

From: Arnaud Quette
Subject: [Stratagus-devel] RE: Stratagus / Linux feedback and help (verbose)
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 17:19:57 +0200
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Hi Russell,

thanks for your answer.

Russell Smith wrote:


Excellent. you should pop into the #stratagus channel on there are usually developers there. if you want to get the magnant beta. You need to talk specifically to mohydine about it. again in the channel.
So you'll see me passing by (Uzuul)


We are a 100% C shop here :) plus scheme scripting. If you start developing, please follow the standards of the current code, it takes a long time to fix formatting, and it's so easy to get right the first time :)
no problem about coding style. I'm used to adapt myself to
the various projects I'm working on ;-)

I've begun to look at the various tasks and todo
files and URLs, and thought the [ Task #2577]
(Remove Hard Coded Critter) would fits me.

That task is part of a much larger task, generic spells. And most of that is done, I have assigned that task to the developer who is merging the patch for it. Sorry.
no problem. It's better to announce, and know that it's done,
than to do it and learn that it already done ;-)

But a good starting task would be this one.

Check to make sure the engine version is the same as the saved game version.
I'll also look at this one, after having finished the credits task.

Also feel free to work on the credits scrolling. It will be a good feature, and not something the core developers will be working on at the moment. We are in generic mode, not feature mode at the moment.

ok, I have some news. I've added the needed code to parse
ccl fields "text-pos" and "text-size" (from credits.ccl) in
"src/game/intro.c". I've made a new basic background
image (from grumbel's aleona's sketches). You can
see it there:

The name used in .ccl, and the code used in intro.c
are inspired of existing things...

I'll submit the patch through savanah this evening.
This is only a first stage for credits page. I've many
things in mind for it ;-)

I've noticed this "lack" by trying the latest
stratagus/aleona CVS on my Debian Sid
(Unstable), checking the Credits menu
(text not well positioned!). BTW, the
background is still mentioning freec***t !).
We should check for an aleona's background
after ccl externalisation.

I don't understand what you mean about the background mention freecr***t.

Look at the file:

Note that I'll then look for a savanah account,
when I have sufficient work and knowledge to

if you start submitting anything, patches/bugs whatever, it's very helpful to have a savannah account. We know who is sending what then :)

I've created my savanah account: I've used my
old nickname uzuul.

See you,

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