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Re: Show modeline when super key is pressed

From: szos
Subject: Re: Show modeline when super key is pressed
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2024 22:12:51 +0000

Hi Daniel,

> If what you mean is that *top-map* is the _default_ top map,
> but there are other top-maps which are merged into the
> default top map in certain cases, and thus can override its
> binds in some circumstances, then that's (probably) fine,
> but it's not immediately obvious that this is what you mean.

This was what I meant, apologies for not being clearer. There are
multiple top maps and all are queried simultaneously, *top-map* takes
precedence over other top maps, so this is where to make a (global) top
level binding. If for example you wanted a top level binding that is
only active in dynamic tiling groups you would bind it to the dynamic
groups top map.

> Does that mean you have no idea about making the modeline
> float? If so, who would know about that? I saw some
> references to an ongoing project to combine float & tiled
> windows in a single group somewhere. Is that happening? Are
> people still doing that?

Floating and tiling windows can be mixed now, the easiest way to do that
is with the commands `float-this` and `unfloat-this`. As far as making
the modeline float, I'm unsure. However it would probably be possible to
immitate a floating, non-movable mode line by writing some :around
methods for the generic functions to compute the total height available
to frames, and then using the normal `mode-line` command to toggle the
modeline. I dont have tons of free time right now, but when I get some I
can look into what those functions are and how you might implement it. I
remember struggling with the opposite when implementing per-frame mode
lines, so it should be possible (if a bit involved).

> I solved some issue in emacs with advice, so I saw this and
> I thought: surely it must be possible to advise methods in
> CL too, because CL is basically just elisp but better ("You
> vs the lisp she tells you not to worry about"). Anyway, it
> was a pretty straight shot from there to CL-ADVICE.

I'm glad you find it useful! Its been a while since I implemented it,
but because it wraps the function, advising a generic function it may
make it impossible to add a method without unadvising the generic,
adding the method, and re-advising it.

Ill let you know what I find once I have some time on my hands. Its been
a minute since I hacked on stumpwm (like 8 months since I did anything
serious), but aside from the xlib stuff (and especially the ways that
CLX are jankey (like not handling alt graph)) I know stumps internals
pretty well.


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