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Re: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: santefe.edu: host not foun

From: Frank Lin
Subject: Re: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: santefe.edu: host not found)
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 15:08:12 -0500 (CDT)

 Hi, Roger,
   As you indicated, I do check the two programs, grid9.m and mousetraps.m, to 
understand how multi-level swarm can be used.  The followings are things needed 
your clarification.
 ---- The last part of the mousetraps.m program from grid test directory at 
960110 distribution ----
   // create the mousetrap world schedule and schedule its first action
   worldSchedule = [Schedule createBegin: aZone];
   [worldSchedule setAutoDrop: 1];
   worldSchedule = [worldSchedule createEnd];
   aMousetrap = [grid atX: gridSize/2 atY: gridSize/2];
   [worldSchedule at: 0 createActionTo: aMousetrap message: M(trigger)];
   // include the mousetrap world in its own swarm
   worldSwarm = [Swarm create: aZone];
   startupPlan = [worldSwarm getSwarmPlan];
   [startupPlan createActionTo: worldSchedule message: M(start)];
   // create display schedule and schedule the display events
   displaySchedule = [Schedule createBegin: aZone];
   [displaySchedule setRepeatInterval: 10];
   displaySchedule = [displaySchedule createEnd];
   [displaySchedule at: 0 createActionTo:
     [grid atX: (gridSize + gridSize/2)/(gridSize/2) atY: gridSize/2]
     message: M(printTriggered)];
   [displaySchedule at: 9 createActionCall: (func_t)testTerminate : (id)250];
   // create a swarm to combine the display schedule and the world swarm
   experimentSwarm = [Swarm create: aZone];
   startupPlan = [experimentSwarm getSwarmPlan];
   [startupPlan createActionTo: displaySchedule message: M(start)];
   [startupPlan createActionTo: worldSwarm message: M(start)];
   // start the world and schedule its termination
   swarmActivity = [experimentSwarm start];
   // [worldSchedule at: 20 createActionTo: swarmActivity message: 
   // run the simulation

   [swarmActivity run];
   printf( "total number of mousetraps triggered: %d\n", numTriggered );
   return 0;
 1) Are the following two groups of statement equal?
   worldSwarm = [Swarm create: aZone];
   startupPlan = [worldSwarm getSwarmPlan];
   [startupPlan createActionTo: worldSchedule message: M(start)];
   startupPlan = [SwarmPlan create: aZone];
   [startupPlan createActionTo: worldSchedule message: M(start)];
 2) What is the relationship between "worldSwarm" and "experimentSwarm"?
    Why both are using the "startupPlan"?
 3) Could you explain the meanings of the following statements?  Are they 
   worldSwarm = [Swarm create: aZone];
   startupPlan = [worldSwarm getSwarmPlan];
   [startupPlan createActionTo: worldSchedule message: M(start)];
   [startupPlan createActionTo: worldSwarm message: M(start)];
 Frank Lin
 > As far as I know, the only running examples which used multi-level
 > swarms before were grid9.m and mousetraps.m in the grid test program
 > directory (not the mousetraps application), but I don't think this is
 > currently being distributed since we split out the apps from the
 > library releases.  But all the machinery for multi-level swarms is
 > already in place and working, at least as exercised by these earlier
 > tests.  And they're very much at the core of what Swarm is intended to
 > be, so it's important that we have what you're asking for.
 > Roger Burkhart

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