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segmentation fault

From: Steve Emsley
Subject: segmentation fault
Date: Wed, 22 May 1996 05:46:44 +-100


Thanks for the advice regarding patches. Having patched and reinstalled 
tcl, tk, BLT, libtclobjc and remade swarm and the apps I was, as you can 
imagine, *expletive deleted* disappointed to find I've still got the same 

Market works OK. Moustrap fails even before the GO screen appears. Heatbug 
brings up all the screens and then fails. Old Heatbugs works. The only 
other sympton of note is that the first screen in HBs & MT appears as a bar 
ie. minimal horizontal & vertical components. With HBs it expands to its 
correct size after the next screen appears. With MT is hasn't the chance 
because a Seg Fault stops it.

Maybe someone recognizes these symptoms. BTW I've assumed that with the BLT 
there's no problem with bltgraph on Linux and haven't compiled it without 
the -O flag as I had to with BLT1.9

Thanks in advance,

  Steve Emsley                                   address@hidden
  Ecosystems Analysis & Management Group, University of Warwick, UK
  http://www.oikos.warwick.ac.uk/~sme/                   (44) 1598 753648

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