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Re: GP and Swarm

From: J.J. Merelo Guervos
Subject: Re: GP and Swarm
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 97 08:31:36 +0200

>>>>> "bleydorf" == bleydorf  <address@hidden> writes:


    bleydorf> Isn't the Breeder stuff(by JJ Merelo) a genetic library?

Yep, but GP and GA are somewhat different. GP is a way of evolving
LISP programs, that doesn't use mutation in the same way that GA does,
and uses specialized operators to crossover LISP S-expressions. 

    bleydorf> I have downloaded it and planned to explore it in the
    bleydorf> near future.  I checked out Lawrence Davis's book
    bleydorf> Guidebook on Genetic Programming and it looks like

Is'nt that Handbook of Genetic Algorithms?...

  author =       "Lawrence Davis",
  title =        "Handbook of Genetic Algorithms",
  publisher =    "Van Nostrand Reinhold",
  year =         "1991",
  address =      "New York",

For references on genetic programming, check out

    bleydorf> Breeder definately contains genetic "stuff"...

Yep, but it cannot be used to evolve LISP, or any other kind of
programs, since it's chromosomes are binary strings, and not LISP

As for using genetic programming in Swarm, it would probably be a
matter of embedding a LISP interpreter into it. I don't know if it's
really worth the while, most of the stuff that can be done with GP can
be done with GA too. There is already an interpreter embedded in
Swarm, tcl interpreter, but I doubt somebody has tried to make tcl
programs evolve. What makes LISP S-expressions evolvable is (found in
page 71 of Koza's "Genetic programming") probably makes tcl evolvable
too. Most of the seven reasons Koza offers for LISP are check out for
tcl too. Well, just a thought.


PS: Just did a GA in JavaScript, in case somebody is interested: check
it out at http://kal-el.ugr.es/~jmerelo/GAJS.html.

JJ Merelo                         | http://kal-el.ugr.es/htbin/jj-plex
Grupo Geneura ---- Univ. Granada  | http://kal-el.ugr.es/

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