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Re: Seg fault after 2 days of simulation

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Seg fault after 2 days of simulation
Date: 20 Sep 1999 10:48:26 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "JK" == Jan Kreft <address@hidden> writes:

JK> I've been making many long simulations during the last weeks and
JK> some of them crashed with a seg fault after a long time. Since I
JK> have to wait two days to reach the same time again in the sim, I'd
JK> like to know what I should do to track this error down.

The things to look for are:

 1) Arrays that can be directly indexed and overrun; any use of 
    something that comes from allocBlock:, alloc:, or malloc.
 2) Drops of things that have been dropped.
 3) Use of things that have been dropped.
 4) Running out of memory
 5) Some other regime that your model enters such that it would
    start hitting other code. 

If it is a non-adaptive model (#5 doesn't occur, or occurs in a way
you can coerce), then the easiest way to find the bug is typically
to use a tool like Checker or Purify.  (Compiler/library enhancements for
memory tracking.)

I have Checker set up here and can run your model if you drop it in

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