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Re: Problem with Object2dDisplay

From: Konrad Lang
Subject: Re: Problem with Object2dDisplay
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 10:57:53 +0200 (MET DST)

>>>>> "KL" == Konrad Lang <address@hidden> writes:
>>>>> "MG" == Marcus G. Daniels <address@hidden> writes:
KL> but if I try
KL> destroying and recreating the ZoomRaster and the Object2dDisplay
KL> as an Activity within the global schedule , the Object2dDisplay
KL> seems to point to some different objects when it gets the display
KL> message.

MG> The objects that Object2dDisplay points to live in the Grid2d that
MG> you provide.  Shouldn't something happen to the Grid2d during this
MG> recreation cycle?  Perhaps it is destroyed as part of dropping the
MG> ModelSwarm?

The Grid2d is destroyed but recreated and reassigned to a new
Object2dDisplay within the ActivityGroup.
KL> function: _i_Object_s__doesNotRecognize_(), file: DefObject.m,
KL> line: 635 ObjectX does not recognize drawX:Y:*** execution
KL> terminating due to error
MG> What is an "ObjectX"?  Does it belong in the lattice? 
MG> Does it make sense to send drawX:Y: to it?

ObjectX normaly points to some agent that implements a drawX:Y: method,
but after the first ciycle this points to some other object out of the
model swarm that does not implement the drawX:Y: method.

I provide some sample code:
This is the Schedule of the Observer Swarm:

// Creation of the ActionGroup & Schedule:
experActions = [ActionGroup create: self];
// The model is built ( with all the objects created)
[experActions createActionTo: self    message: M(buildModel)];
// The worldRaster & Object2dDisplay are created
[experActions createActionTo: self message: M(build2DModelOutput)];
// Run the model
[experActions createActionTo: self    message: M(runModel)];
// Do the Tk Events
[experActions createActionTo: actionCache message: M(doTkEvents)];
// Drop the worldRaster & Object2dDisplay
[experActions createActionTo: self    message: M(drop2DModelOutput)];
// Drop the model
[experActions createActionTo: self    message: M(dropModel)];

// And the schedule for the whole thing
 experSchedule = [Schedule createBegin: self];
  [experSchedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  experSchedule = [experSchedule createEnd];
  [experSchedule at: 0 createAction: experActions];

The significant methods are:
- build2DModelOutput
  worldRaster = [ZoomRaster createBegin: self];
  worldRaster = [worldRaster createEnd];
  [worldRaster enableDestroyNotification: self
               notificationMethod: @selector (_worldRasterDeath_:)];
  [worldRaster setColormap: colormap];
  [worldRaster setZoomFactor: 4];
  [worldRaster setWidth: [[theModel getWorld] getSizeX]
                 Height: [[theModel getWorld] getSizeY]];
  [worldRaster setWindowTitle: "Agent World"];
  [worldRaster pack];                             // draw the window.

  agentDisplay = [Object2dDisplay createBegin: self];
  [agentDisplay setDisplayWidget: worldRaster];
  [agentDisplay setDiscrete2dToDisplay: [theModel getWorld]];
  [agentDisplay setObjectCollection: [theModel getAgentList]];
  [agentDisplay setDisplayMessage: M(drawSelfOn:)];
  agentDisplay = [agentDisplay createEnd];

  return self;

- display2dModelOutput

  [agentDisplay display];   
  [worldRaster drawSelf];

  return self;

- drop2DModelOutput
  [worldRaster drop];
  worldRaster = nil;
  [agentDisplay drop];
  agentDisplay = nil;
  return self;

And from the ModelSwarm Object some of the methods in the observer swarm
are called:

  modelActions = [ActionGroup create: self];
  [modelActions createActionForEach: agentList    message: M(step)];
  [modelActions createActionTo:      self       message: M(checkToStop)];

  // XXX Only for update of 2dObjectDisplay
  [modelActions createActionTo:  TkSuperObject message: 
  [modelActions createActionTo:  TkActionCache message: M(doTkEvents)];
  // TkSuperObject is the id of the ObserverSwarm
  // TkActionCache is the id of the ObserverSwarm actionCache
  // So that TkEvents are triggerd within the ModelSwarm

  modelSchedule = [Schedule createBegin: self];
  [modelSchedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  modelSchedule = [modelSchedule createEnd];
  [modelSchedule at: 0 createAction: modelActions];A

I hope this was some useful information about my problem ...

 konrad lang

  ICQ#: 23489351
  Lang Konrad               Student of Computer Science in Salzburg, Austria
At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer you will find
at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the computer.

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