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[Swftools-common] pdf writer interface in gfx.pyd?

From: oyster
Subject: [Swftools-common] pdf writer interface in gfx.pyd?
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 22:03:31 +0800

I want to extract some pages from vary pdf files, then rotate/write
them into one new pdf file. something likes this
import gfx
doc = gfx.open("pdf", r"Theory.pdf")
pdf = gfx.PDF()
for pagenr in [1,5,7]:
    page = doc.getPage(pagenr)

    if pagenr==1:
        page.rotate(90)                                         #for some pages

    pdf.startpage(page.width, page.height)
pdf.save("new pdf.pdf")

but I found that there is no pdf writer interface in gfx.pyd
1. could you please expose this inerface in the next release?
2. if the answer is 'hard' or 'no way', can someone suggest on such a
lib for python on windows/or a pure C-dll? I have tried pypdf, but it
errs and exits on some of my pdfs(no, the files have no password)


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