<\body> Ideas: Is possible to have Tabs, (like Galeon) for document buffers in the TeXmacs interface. Is To have a keyboard way to swich between buffers? Seems a but: I get rightflush after each code environment insertion and I cant delete it. Hiperlinks to documentation references for essays. Clicking on the reference, jumps to the complete description in bibliography. Something similar to hiperlinks in HTML wich are linked to the same pages. Porting back the translation of some TeXmacs powered docs to their original proyects. This will involve more work on the export algorithm and may be LARL definitions for TeXmacs format and objetive format. Is possible to have Multiline instruction support for Yacas sessions inside TeXmacs, similar to multiline Maxima input? Can we put CAS sessions inside note environment or tables? \; Yacas related issues: \; * Groebner Bases gives me this output in Yacas (both inside from TeXmacs and from command shell): * CommandLine(1) : Predicate doesn't evaluate to a boolean in pattern * The same occurs with u:={}, but just inside of TeXmacs (command shell works fine). * ZeroVector(n) doesnt output True, as says on the "Getting Started..." Chapter, but it returns the vector {0, 0, ... 0} wich has size n. * In some part we can red: "Currently > is rather limited and only deals with equations where the variable to be solved for only occurs once in the equation. In the future there will be more sophisticated algorithms." Can you please give me an example of a not usable ecuation for solve? * Other part says: "One and the same function name such as > may be used by different functions if they take different numbers of arguments (but not if they merely take different of arguments, since > does not have a strict type system)", so the predicates like cant be used for diferent types in the definition of functions with the same name and number of arguments? * Can we have double and single quotes for managing string a la Python, besides the > escape character? * Reverse(m), being m a lis,t doesnt work. Even is not listed on list operations help. \; Yacas - TeXmacs Interaction: In the file I see the following code, wich I imagine is for the help button: (menu-extend texmacs-session-help-icons \ \ \ \ (if (and (in-maxima?) (url-exists? "$TM_MAXIMA_HOME/info/maxima_toc.html")) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \| \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ((balloon (icon "tm_help.xpm") "Maxima manual") \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (load-help-buffer "$TM_MAXIMA_HOME/info/maxima_toc.html"))) \ \ \ \ (if (and (in-maxima?) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (url-exists? "$TM_MAXIMA_HOME/doc/html/maxima_toc.html")) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \| \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ((balloon (icon "tm_help.xpm") "Maxima manual") \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (load-help-buffer "$TM_MAXIMA_HOME/doc/html/maxima_toc.html")))) \; I have pasted it into the file init-yacas.scm and I planed to make some changes for yacas info instead of Maxima info (at this moment the help button appears but invokes the Maxima Manual). Where is defined the $TM_YACAS_HOME ? Because I'm translating the Yacas info to spanish is posible some kind of "language" variable and in that way TeXmacs could detect the language of the interface and load the proper TeXmacs Powered help doc in the local language? Also How is posible to localize the baloon menssages in the icons for help in a similar fashion to other icons? (For example Putting "Manual de Maxima" instead of "Maxima manual") May be with the time we can put some Search Help button (a ? with a eyeglass) for searching specific help information in a similar way to the ?\function\ comand of Yacas or Describe of Maxima. In this case may be the info bar can be used for capturing the info about the word to find (in a similar way to the Edit -\ Search funtionality present in the moment) <\initial> <\collection>