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[Texmacs-dev] desiderata, following

From: vincent douce
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] desiderata, following
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2021 01:55:14 +0200

good evening again

Joris asked the people having wishes to tell them
so my first wish is realized (automatic pdf at the same place than the .tm)
i zam very glad

now, today i gave skype lessons with shared screen and i wrote on a paper the macros i would really like to have in texmacs :

a) a macro, say, \drawing, making this :
i mean : a wide table with two columns 50%-50% and in the left one a "drawing" in "draw by hand" mode at the size of the cell

well, of course, it is maybe a pure personal wish : but, i would like to say, if one can think it shouldn't be a implemented by default because fits only for Vincent, then i would answer that the ability to create an objet and to record it under a name, and the possibility, then, in any future .tm doc, to open this object with a syntax of the form \myobject : that would be a great step for the ability given to the user to customize easily TeXlacs without deep knowledge of Scheme.
b) macro for that :
("multiplication posée" for children)
c) and then the very french macro for that but better if possible…
so a centered or wide table, according to the need of the teacher ; second column left aligned or tabulation marks to align the \sqrt the 0 and the M...
and large extensible arrows
and in the last line of the second column, possibility to alternate vertical alignemnt between centered, top, and bottom

Vincent :-)

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