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[Tlf-devel] Tlf QTC support - pre-alpha release :)

From: Ervin Hegedüs
Subject: [Tlf-devel] Tlf QTC support - pre-alpha release :)
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 00:11:39 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Dear Tlf users,

after a few weeks, it looks like I could made an "alpha" version
of QTC support for Tlf. Currently there is only the receive
direction supported, but there are few question, wich I would
like to discuss here with you.

First, here is a short intro to help to discover the QTC receive
in Tlf. You can grab the source from my Github repository:

git chechkout

or the zip arhive:

On the source tree, there is a short HOWTO about the QTC's
handling, this is available online:

When you compile and install it, make a new, separated working
directory for Tlf. Here is a sample Tlf config:, there are two files: a
logcfg.dat, (there is nothing special), and a rule file - that
contains a new config option, called "QTC", in line # 5.

To help the test, it could be good idea to copy any WAEDC contest
log to Tlf working directory, used by that name, which defined in
logcfg.dat, in that example is waedc.log. If you don't have WAEDC
log, use can use any other contest log, where the exchange is a

Before you want to test this feature, please read carefully the
WAEDC rules, specially the rule 7 (QTC traffic):

Another helpful links are here: - many QTC traffic in
mp3 format, which contains SSB and CW traffic - same as above

Here are some questions/things, what needs to discuss here:

* to catch CTRL+Q, it needed to set up the terminal settings in
  Tlf, and restore it to default, as before you start it.
  The code in the main.c:
423.    tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO, &oldt);
424.    newt = oldt;
426.    newt.c_iflag &= ~(IXON);
428.    tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt);


829.    tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldt);

  it needs to test this in many type of terminal as possible.

* there are several QTC messages - does it need to possible to
  configure the messages?
  For example: if you opens the QTC window, Tlf sends a "QTC
  QRV". This is one of the many messages. Would you like to
  customize these?

* does it need to see the previous QTC blocks, like the QSO's?
  If you pressing the UP cursor, after the 5 lines Tlf hide the
  main window, and loads a pager, like "less" - would you like
  to see some similar feature? If yes, how would you like to use

* does it need to delete the QTC's? There are two questions: does
  it need to delete only one, or more lines from a unique QTC
  block? And does it need to delete a complete QTC block?

* does it need to show the number of received/sent QTC's on the 
  main window? That's not a simple question, because on the RTTY
  mode, both directions are enabled, so a station can has sent
  and received QTC's too.

* how could be good to calculate the points? Now if you
  send/receive a QTC block, then the number of QSO's in QTC
  will be added to the regular QSO's, so you can't see the
  total number of QSO's, only if you summary the bands values.

So, now I have these questions above.

I think here are many OM's, who has more experience in QTC's than
me. Handling QTC's is not a simple thing, so please help me to
make a good program :).

TNX, 73,


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