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Re: TLF-1.4.0 release

From: Thomas Beierlein
Subject: Re: TLF-1.4.0 release
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2019 20:07:47 +0100

Hi Nate,

Am Sun, 17 Nov 2019 04:50:16 -0600
schrieb Nate Bargmann <address@hidden>:

> Congratulations to Tom and everyone that has worked on this release.

> I've been quiet for the past year or so as I chose a different
> challenge about a year ago due, in part, to the lament of some
> friends.  For the handful of events I operate these days I've chosen
> to use N1MM+ under Wine.  It does work though it is a bit (quite a
> bit) quirky.  

> One feature I really like is to be able to switch from
> ESM to a CT like mode on the fly.  When I do S&P I much prefer the CT
> mode and for running ESM works best for me.  

As far as I see now that could be done in TLF easily. If we switch the
mode after finishing a QSO and before starting a new one, that should
work flawlessly. All that is needed is a way to switch 'ctcompatible'
on and off by key or command. 

Feel free to experiment on it and prepare a pull request if you like.

> Another reason to work
> with it was for our club Field Day operation where other ops seem
> more comfortable with menus and such.

Yes, there seems to be different 'operating modes' in our heads also -
some prefer keyboards and other prefer mouse and menus. I fear that
one can not be changed - every one has to choose the programs which
fits their 'internal working' best :-). 

73, de Tom DL1JBE

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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