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Re: tramp ( : incorrect parsing of group with "-" in name

From: brickviking
Subject: Re: tramp ( : incorrect parsing of group with "-" in name
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 21:32:49 +1300

Thank you for that fix, it seems to work well.

Regards, brickviking

On Sat, 28 Oct 2023 at 02:24, Michael Albinus <> wrote:
brickviking <> writes:

Hi Gaël & brickviking,

> After tinkering with this, I can confirm the initial bug, which
> affects me much like it does Gael. My user is a member of groups, one
> of which has a hyphen in it.
> /bin/id:
> uid=1001(viking)  gid=1001(viking) groups=1001(viking),27(sudo),29
> (audio),44(video),119(pulse),120(pulse-access),1000(zoombuggy)
> Inside the debug buffer for tramp:
> ...
> groups-integer: (1001 27 29 44 119)
> groups-string: (viking sudo audio video pulse)
> ...
> Local system is 64-bit Fedora 29, with emacs-29 (git revision:
> aa253c533d23d0fda1ecc512d94dea24501803ed). tramp version:
> Remote system is 64-bit Ubuntu 22.04.

Thanks for the report. I've fixed this in tramp.el, and pushed it to the
Emacs and Tramp repositories. It will be available with Emacs 29.2 as
well as with Tramp (to be released in a couple of days on GNU

> Regards, brickviking

Best regards, Michael.

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