TODO list: ======== COMMON ======== - complete the TODO list ( !!! ;) ) @All - Promote the product @All - Write a programer's Guide, and/or architecture from code @Seb - Update specification versus code @? - Enhance RPC commandibilty with CORBA & XML @? - Handle accurate bufferisation on provider & consumer sides @? QoS on troughput (be able to know the size of the requested datan and refuse it if too big) - Allow to read/write on one TSP symbol (protocol V2 opaque cmd) @? - Compile under VxWorks @Jerome - Use TSP on UDP, secure sockets, SHM, ... instead of just TCP/IP @? - Add an asynchronous Mode @Bob - Add tsp_config.h for configuring/document FIFO sizes @? ========== PROVIDER ========== - Replace all the 'typedef void*' object encapsulation trick by @Caribou a 'typedef struct TSP_mystruct_t TSP_mystruct_t' that hides the internal struct too, but does not hide it when we try to debug (the 'void*' stuff to hide the object was not a good idea at all) - The datapool should store the data in a RAW format. The conversion @? to other formats (RAW, STRING, ARRAY, INT, DOUBLE, ...) should be done when sending the data to a consumer (given that the conversion depends on what were the data formats asked by the consumer) - Allow Provider to add symbols on the fly or on request @? - Allow to select/tune thread priorityi + thread state @Erk - Implement PUSH philosphy for adding sample values in provider @Duf - Add a naming service (something like "rpc:// @? - Correct bug on FIFO Full => exit ========== CONSUMER ========== - The consumer API should be able to choose the endianity of @? the transmited data : its endianity, or the provider's endianity (the latest should be the default) - The consumer API shoud have a get_last_error function to get details when a function fails ( mainly for the TSP_consumer_get_sample function that has plenty of reasons to fail ) - Implement properly the callback function used to read the samples (the error code must be added) - Give XDR API for Client (to build lowlevel recording) ========== GDISP+ @Euskady ========== - look in src/gdisp+/TODO - Find a real sexy name for that STUF