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[tunnel-list] user second-class

From: Silvester Singleton
Subject: [tunnel-list] user second-class
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 00:57:50 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

However, to symbolize our status as pawns of the totalist state, visitors are only allowed now to go as high as the pedestal on which Lady Liberty stands.
Welcome to the new Liberal Party of Canada. D in "welfare economics" from UBC, a master's of Social Work from UBC, and a bachelor's in Social Work from UVic.
And Turkey claims to be a secular state. Isn't this refreshing.
Anything we do should mean more Albertans get access to health care when they need it regardless of their ability to pay.
I'm voting Alliance if this joker wins.
On fiscal responsibility.
Perhaps the following article offers a wider cross-section of ideological opinion.
When a Muslim cuts the head off of a Christian with a dull knife in the name of jihad there are no mass protests about the defamation of the term jihad. While, as leader of the Freedom Party, he did advocate reduced immigration levels, he also supported the inclusion of Turkey into the European Union.
It is making me nauseous.
I'm voting Alliance if this joker wins.
Please explain to me Mr.
How exactly does this differ from the NDP and Liberals? Though clearly an intelligent person, Mr. I'm voting Alliance if this joker wins. It all comes down to this.
Please explain to me Mr. Get a copy of the Koran folks - resistance is futile.
In case you didn't pick up on my insinuation, environmental organizations like the Sierra Club are actually doing harm to the environment through their partisanship.
National Newswatch has been around for less than one month and already has surpassed Bourque in terms of reach according to Alexa.
I think we should exhaust all the options for strengthening the public system before we look outside the system for solutions.
You see, there is a great hypocrisy in the Muslim world. And Turkey claims to be a secular state.
I'm with you on that.
Jennifer Ditchburn would have us believe that Stephen Harper cut funding to a non-partisan group that delivers objective research to politicians for the good of the nation. There is no reason healthcare premiums should support the costs of the healthcare system; in fact, it's unsustainable.

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