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Re: [vile] problem with 'wide characters' (utf-8) under macosx

From: j. van den hoff
Subject: Re: [vile] problem with 'wide characters' (utf-8) under macosx
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 14:42:11 +0100
User-agent: Opera Mail/12.12 (MacIntel)

On Sat, 06 Dec 2014 13:37:40 +0100, Thomas Dickey <address@hidden> wrote:

On Sat, Dec 06, 2014 at 11:32:52AM +0100, j. van den hoff wrote:
a further observation: the test file I've used just contains the lines


i.e \u00E4 and \u00F6. in the show-variables list there is then one entry:

$bufname = ä

in both terminal emulators (urxvt, here is the
strange thing (for me):
in urxvt the file content is displayed properly, but `bufname' is
diplayed as

 $bufname = ä  (hope this goes through the mail as intended...)

while in it's the other way round: the file content is
diplayed via the
utf-8 hexcodes and `bufname' appears correctly displayed as

$bufname = ä.

More important, I think I've found the "solution" just now: I looked hard at my .vilerc again and found a setting `set file-encoding=auto' (it seemed to
be required at one point in the past but I can't recall the reason why I
added this anymore). just deactivating it leads to proper display in the

The default is "locale", which seems to make most people happy...

yes, obviously this is correct... I recall now _why_ I modified it in the first place:
need to edit some older files in latin1 encoding within a utf-8 locale.

so it seems it was just my fault after all. apologies for "spamming" the list ... but while I am at it: reading the help regarding `file-encoding' did not really clarify to me what was wrong with the `auto' setting (and then
only for  any clarifications would be appreciated.

With "auto", vile inspects the file as it reads it, and decides what its
encoding is.  One problem with that approach is if you start with a plain
ASCII file and want to change it to UTF-8.  You can do that by doing

        :setl file-encoding=utf-8

before introducing the non-ASCII text.  (The "setl" is needed because
vile maintains that value as a local-setting for each buffer, and a plain
"set" will not tell it to revise its idea of a particular buffer).

I see. thanks. the question still remains, why `file-encoding=auto' works (as it is intended, I understand) when opening the respective input file (already containing
utf-8 characters) in urxvt while
it does not when using the it is not important any more for me (I'll
now stick with the default setting of file-encoding') but still...

I see also some other quirk: when actually entering further utf-8 sign (say german diaeresis) to the file within (where now the already existing chars are displayed correctly), those are displayed as `??' (two question marks), until I leave display of that buffer (by going to an alternate file) and coming back at which time the symbol appears correctly displayed (or by leaving input mode and performing undo/redo of the edit, which also produces correct display of the character). any idea how _this_ behaviour comes about (again: this does not happen when using `vim' instead, so it seems not to be
just a problem of the

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